Does anyone else have a baby that will just wake upwards of 20 times a night?


New member
That’s where I’m at right now. I have 4 kids, and my fourth 9 months old right now. Recently, every 20 minutes or so he just yells out and wakes up. Eventually around 1 or 2 am he just wakes up entirely just playing. I’ve had his ears checked and they’re clear, no infection. I honestly can’t remember if my other kids did this and if they did I blocked it out because it’s so disheartening. I cosleep because typically it gives me more sleep but these past few nights I’m questioning my choices 😐
@wren84 sleep regression? teething? maybe he's not getting enough stimulation before bed? maybe he's going through a cognitive leap? there's so many things, sorry mama. i'm in the same boat with my 15 month old.
@saki1452 I know he’s def teething, but oh my goodness I honestly think he’s over stimulated with how crazy our house is, my kids are ages 6, 3 and 2 and the baby. I wonder if that’s part of it? Ugh I’m sorry you’re also dealing with it! How exhausting!
@wren84 Teething? Too much sleep in the day so he's not tired?

I doubt it's caused by anything you've chosen - it sounds like he's waking up for a reason.
@cutin He is definitely teething! So he takes two naps and they total maybe 2.5 hours if we’re lucky. The first nap is usually 40 minutes and the second is maybe 1.5 hours ?
@wren84 Are you giving painkillers at night? That helps IME.

I know nothing about how to actually tweak naps so I will let someone more knowledgable speak up XD
@wren84 My baby is 4 months and has never been a good sleeper. I saw other parents say their kids slept well until the 4 month regression but my kid just never slept long stretches since birth. It’s been rough.. so I’m with you.
@mysticalpsalmist Same! For all four of my kids honestly, I’ll tell you I really think I just completely eliminated these nights with the other children from my memory cause my husband said they all did it lol
@katrina2017 I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not going to let myself think “it gets better” as everyone says. She’s been like this since birth. Crazy how 4 hours of sleep is a lot for me now lol.
@hisbestfriend He wakes up at 630, down for a nap at 10 that lasts maybe 40 minutes. Then he doesn’t go down again til 2 or 3 and sleeps for maybe 1 hour or 1.5. Then he goes to bed at 7:30. Does that sound normal?
@wren84 If it’s learning a cool new skill or trick, then it would only last a few days or a week. Could be the 8-9 month regression. How long is it going on for?

When discerning when to put him down for a nap, is he showing sleepy cues? Fussing, rubbing eyes, yawning? I added in an extra short nap to bridge the gap, and put in a later bedtime as per the gentlesleepcoach on instagram.

Wake windows naturally extend approximately 15mins every 3 weeks.

How long is he awake for during the night when he wakes and is his form happy?
@wren84 Yes, my 7 mo has recently started sleeping like this, especially the first part of the night. Waking up all the freaking time. Then she has a block of 2-3 hours before waking up for the day, because it's exhausting for her as well. She started to eat more solids so I'm wondering if her digestion is bothering her...
@sparagmos Yes! It’s usually the first part of the night and then past 3 am will snooze more consistently! I can definitely see it being from solids upsetting the tummy, that’s a good thought. Maybe I’ll shift the last meal to earlier.
@wren84 Yeah, I think I'll try the same 😅 because her standard sleep was a longer block after falling asleep and then multiple wake-ups later, but from what I've read that's quite common. But this now is completely upside down and worse than ever.