Do you all accommodate any kids activity/sport you can? Or do you draw a line even if you COULD make it happen?


New member
Not much to elaborate on here. Read more if you want. In my situation kids are 6 & 8. They’ve both been doing rec soccer since age of 5 and started doing fall indoor soccer practice 1x/week at 6.

This year dad signed 8 Y/O up for competitive club soccer. 3-4 night commitment for 5-6 months. 2 out of town tournaments and some all weekend local tournaments. Thank god it’s over.

Technically we CAN accommodate such activities. We have the work availability and can squeeze the money out. But it’s not comfortable.

I mean I don’t want to be a jerk or stop them from pursing their passions. But I think it’s a wild commitment for the age of 8. We get home from school at 3 give or take 15 minutes and they go to bed at 8. Our routine before this was they get screen/free time to play with friends until 5/6. I cook dinner and tidy up while they do that. Then after dinner as a family (both home by then) homework, bath, and family time. We mostly reserved weekends for outings, some down time for everybody, and birthday parties. A few hours of shopping/heavy cleaning too. We live 2 minutes from a YMCA, so we’d go swimming as a family 2-5x per week to burn energy during cold months.

I so desperately miss that flexibility. I feel like with frequent practices/games EVERYTHING is thrown out of balance. Cleaning, mealtimes, bedtimes, down time for all of us, family time, outings. Soccer practice and driving to these games means our evening routines are all over the place. I’m used to cooking every night, doing a load of laundry most days, giving the kids free time daily, and getting family/down time every night.

Maybe it’s that we’re not well off? We don’t have a dishwasher, we have a tiny rental that takes a lot of work to keep organized and clean. We’re 20 minutes from most of these fields. Closer homes are way over budget. Convenience luxuries like buying takeout frequently, hiring a cleaner, etc are out of reach.

I just question if I’m a lazy homebody or if this is common to opt out of. In my household growing up kids did rec until at least middle school. But I know other families who has minimum 1 activity per season and were competitive always.

I know they’ll be disappointed if we say no to competition. But on the surface they were so much happier and calmer with rec only.
@dennisbon If your kids are passionate about a certain sport, I can absolutely see the reasoning behind throwing some time and money into it. But not at the expense of the family, you as parents and spouses, and the kids themselves. Developmentally children need unstructured play.

Honestly, I let my kid take the lead regarding what activities she wanted to do. She's 17 and a senior now so I can give y'all a fairly decent retrospective. I've been pretty firm on one or two activities a week until she hit 11th grade and there were multiple clubs she wanted to participate in.

Kiddo absolutely loathed classic team sports, even as a little kid, so I've had her I'm martial arts classes (mixed martial arts usually) on and off since she was three. My kid's real passions have been science and art, and that's what we've focused on. She received art lessons throughout elementary school and junior high and is now a talented graphic, multimedia, and sculpture artist. She also participated in science-based extracurriculars, and worked as an artist/setbuilder/crew member for her junior high school's drama club.

During her senior year she plans to participate in the art club, work in the school's community gardens, and continue working as a crew member with the drama club.
@emilyd Are you my mom? Because this sounds exactly like my upbringing and interest set 😂 I’m not going to lie, a guilty part of me wishes they were nerdier. I’m SO happy and supportive of them talking to me about soccer for hours on end and trying my best to help them practice.

I’d be totally fine with 2 activities each per week. But only if they were one day commitments. Ideally things like Karate, rec soccer, scouts, and school sponsored activities/sports for scheduling convenience. I am losing my mind driving to 4 different locations every week with both kids. Spending entire weekends at tournaments. He IS passionate. But it’s totally coming at the expense of him, his sister, and us parents. Just family life as a whole is catawompus.

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