Destash Q?


New member
Hi all,

I have a LOT of diapers that I have been gifted. I like some, but some of them I would like to sell for other people to enjoy. I have posted on FB cloth pages and I never get any bites. I feel like most of those buyers want specific prints/brands, whereas mine are more solid colors and maybe not as fashionably“in” as other brands are. Has anyone had any good experiences with sites for selling diapers? If so, where? I’m not looking to make a ton of money, mainly that they will have a good home and I can declutter some.

Thanks so much!
@kexonplastic If you don't care about the money, posting free in local mom groups can help another mom who may not afford them. I did this recently and they got picked up same day by a woman with 2 in diapers who was looking for months and couldn't find any she could afford
@ravivc Honestly, I have thought about this. Especially because I was gifted most of them from a mom friend. I kinda care more that the diapers get used than just sit around because I want a certain profit from them.

That’s so sweet of you for donating and thank you for your advice 💚
@kexonplastic Aww thanks. I was like you too, I just preferred someone who was able to use them did. My thought was I already spent the money on them and they're sitting in a closet and I don't really plan to use them again, why not just give them to someone else who could benefit. Plus I hate the process of selling things and waiting for someone to buy them, I end up giving things away pretty quick when I try to sell them because I don't want to deal with all that lol. And determining the value of things was never a talent of mine, I'd have no idea what to sell diapers for if I tried other than looking at what people sold them for. I considered also taking them to a pregnancy resource center near me so they could give them to someone but already saw someone was looking for some and figured that would help her out but if you have one of those near you they're really great resources for moms who need help!
@kexonplastic I've sold 100% of I've wanted to sell on FB. Perhaps not at the price I wanted, but still in the acceptable range.

I do agree with you though, the bst FB group is a very overwhelming group page and moms there are rather picky at prints and brands. I swear I've seen "ISO Bluey"at least twenty times within the past week and the rest are ISO of some SAHM brands that I never even knew existed.... Oh yeah and definitely a million "ISO Preflats" posts....

Maybe lower your asking price can help selling them faster.
@defoehorses They are in really good condition! They are just some older brands and not as well known imo like: Blueberry or Bungies. And they don’t have “super cute” prints. More solid colors.
@kexonplastic I have also had good luck selling on Mercari.

I sell as like-groups and don't expect to make much out of it profit-wise and move my stuff relatively quickly!

I haven't ever had Mercari give me the cash for what I've sold, I've just used the credit to buy other stuff