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I have been struggling with secondary infertility for about two years. My first pregnancy ended in live birth, and she is 3.5. She was conceived on our first attempt. My second pregnancy was conceived on our second attempt and ended in a miscarriage and D&C at 13 weeks. Since the D&C I didn’t get another positive test for 6 months and that ended in a chemical pregnancy. After a HSG and SIS, they found an adhesion and loose endometrial tissue caused by the D&C. They removed the adhesion in May 2023. Three months after that, I had another positive test ending in a chemical pregnancy. So in total, I’ve gotten pregnant 4 times with one live birth prior to starting IUI. When we try naturally, my luteal phases are between 7 and 9 days, however all my tests and my husbands have come back normal (besides the adhesion). Since the last chemical pregnancy, we have been using letrozole, trigger shot, and progesterone support and just finished our second failed IUI and will not be pursuing IVF. The progesterone does not seem to be lengthening my luteal phase enough and I usually get a period around 9dpo anyway.

Could there be anything else I should be tested for? Endometriosis? Clotting factor? Can adhesions regrow? I was told the luteal phase issue is due to hormonal imbalance, but all of my tests have come back normal. My husband’s sperm count is normal. Please see test results below.

Anti-Mullerian Hormone – 4.17 ng/mL
Cytogenetics - Normal female karyotype (congenital blood)
Prolactin – 6.0 ng/mL
Vit D – 50.1 ng/mL
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone – 0.89 uIU/mL
Ferritin – 88.8 ng/mL
Thyroxine, Free – 1.12 ng/dL

Days of abstinence – 3
Round cells 4.5 M/ml
Total Motility grades 1-3+ 60%
Progressive motility 3+ 43%
Total sperm in ejaculate – 814 million
Total progressive sperm in ejaculate – 352 million
Total motile 1-3+ sperm in ejaculate – 426 million

Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated. We are desperate for answers
@mayyoubeblessed I am no doctor, but if you’ve only seen one, get a second opinion. Also, I have heard mixed things about Vitex, but have you tried it? What about CoQ10? I have a short luteal phase and that seems to have helped a bit.
@elliebaillie92 Thanks for your reply! Yeah I’m thinking of switching REs, but I know that will be about a 6 month wait. I have vitex but have been too nervous to try it as I’ve heard some bad things too. I do take Co-Q 10 daily!
@mayyoubeblessed I mean, you might as well try the Vitex. I have a friend who had irregular cycles before she took it (not that you do), and she swears it’s what allowed her to conceive her son. Best of luck to you! I am also TTC #2, and the doctor basically said I’m just old.
@mayyoubeblessed You mentioned clotting factor and I'm wondering if your provider has run a full repeat loss panel (asking because clotting issues are usually covered in those and it would seem strange to me after three losses to not be worked up for RPL). I am sorry you're going through this ❤️
@daniel108 This is exactly my thoughts! No, my RPL was basic, and didn’t include clotting. When I asked, he said “we only test if there’s a family history.” But I think I will press him again. Thank you for your kind words ♥️
@mayyoubeblessed Yes def ask again! as far as I know, RPL isn't even genetic, so I'm not sure why he would defer to that? My sisters get pregnant if you look at them long enough and have never had a loss, same with my mom and grandma, yet here I am!!
@mayyoubeblessed Not sure if it would be applicable in your case, but maybe an endometrial biospy? To test for things like endometritis.

I’m an IVF patient and had multiple failed implantations .. only to find out I was positive for endometritis.
@prophecology Thank you for your reply! I have not had an endometrial biopsy (wish i had, but now my doctor is worried due to my history of adhesions). But I forgot to mention, he put me on 2 weeks of doxycycline a few cycles ago just in case I did have endometritis. But also mentioned this doesn’t always clear it for people. So now I’m thinking, am I wasting over 1k for IUI cycles if I am positive for it??

Do you mind me asking if they did the 2 weeks of antibiotics for you as well?
@mayyoubeblessed Yes biospy each time and the final one to confirm it was gone. We will likely be transferring embryos in the spring and I will likely ask for another one as I fall into the ‘chronic endometritis’ umbrella now .. and I have endometriosis.. and there is a strong link between the two.