Definitely need reassurance!!!!!


New member
Okay so I have GD and I had lost 20 pounds because I’m eating way better usually and walking a ton. The last few weeks I have definitely been walking less like I was walking 7 miles a day in my second trimester and i’m down to like 5 miles a day in my third trimester because I have severe foot pain, sciatica and i’m exhausted. I could also probably eat a little better but in general I think i’m doing okay? Anyway in the last SIX DAYS I have somehow gained 3 pounds? I went to the doctor today and that’s how I know. The doctor didn’t say a word about it but when i google it, it says I shouldn’t be gaining more than 2 pounds a week. Anyone have any experience with this? I’m getting really scared. I’m also experiencing swelling and my blood pressure was elevated today so I have to go back to the doctor on friday to get my blood pressure taken again. But now i’m so nervous that i’m scared my blood pressure will be elevated again due to extreme nerves (which has happened TWICE now i was extremely anxious about 2 earlier appointments and it was elevated, then the next 2 times I was way calmer and it was fine.) The last time they checked my urine there was no protein in it but that was weeks ago. Is it possible to have such a weight gain, swelling, and elevated blood pressure and not have pre-e?
@thatguydustin Considering that you are pregnant, walking A LOT, and seem to have anxiety, I wouldn’t immediately chock your results up to pre-e. Get an at home bp monitor, and rest more.
I don’t really know if your doctors are the reason why you are focused on weight loss or gain, but you’re going to gain weight no matter what you do, even if it is a few lbs. The baby isn’t just going to magically weigh nothing. Plus, 3lbs could be water, food, clothes, poop, literally anything.
You need to rest more. Stay off google. And trust your doctors.
@thepurechep It’s my brain for sure, once i was told i was “obese” thats all i could think about. I knew id gain weight but its like the three pounds in only 6 days thing that really freaked me out. Google has made me crazy, once again. 😭
@thatguydustin Okay, so I had a high impact accident at 20 Weeks so my exercise has SUCKED because of pain, anyway, I gained 15 pounds in one month! I FREAKED, but my Dr wasn’t concerned in the least, he just suggested I manage what I eat better and see a dietitian if it would ease my anxiety about my weight. Obviously I’m not a Dr, but maybe my story can be some reassurance!
@ktj Oh gosh I’m sorry that sounds terrible! I am seeing a nutritionist because of the GD! Your story does give me reassurance thank you!!!!!
@thatguydustin I speak from experience, I am in the “morbidly obese” category, whatever that means anymore, and have diagnosed generalized anxiety disorder. I’ve also lost 110lbs and gained basically all of it back, so I can understand weight anxiety and the need to feel like you gotta lose weight. I know 3lbs in 6 days can seem scary but I promise you are fine. The doctor would tell you if it wasn’t. I also have medical anxiety and convince myself sometimes that the doctor isn’t telling everything but then I have to remind myself that a) I can ask questions about my concerns to them and b) what would they get from lying.
It’s actually unsafe for you and your baby to focus on weight loss. If you have the resources I would get connected to a therapist. Postpartum may just make your anxiety worse.
@thepurechep Omg I have that same problem!!! I keep thinking the doctor isn’t telling me something or is missing things. Like when I learned about the weight gain I was like “she didn’t see that for sure!!!” I do see a psychiatrist but therapy is probably a good idea too.
@katrina2017 I was wondering that too. I woke up this morning and my feet/ankles/hands were swollen so I took pictures AND made them check me at the doctor! She didn’t even bat an eye at the 3 pounds but of course i stupidly googled it and that’s when it says you’re only supposed to be gaining 1-2 pounds a week and i’ve gained 3 so that seemed extremely excessive.
@thatguydustin If I weighed myself in the morning and then again at the evening, I could gain or lose 3 lbs easily in one day. I always try to schedule my appts at the same time of day since I know this happens to me.
@thatguydustin The 2 pounds a week is based on average! You might have gained 3 this week but next week could only gain 1. If doc didn’t bring it up try not to stress. You’re doing great mama!
@thatguydustin Hi! The stress and anxiety in pregnancy is unreal. Sending you hugs!! Just a little thought I had-- most of the stuff we read on Google is going to be based on what society says is "normal" and often outdated (even when the dates are current), meaning 1-2 pounds isn't going to be normal for everyone. I would argue it won't be normal for the majority. You're growing a whole human in you. Try to give yourself grace. If your stress is still high on Friday, talk to your doctor. I also recommend a therapist if you're able to see one, even if it's a session every other week. You're doing amazing! Remember that 💕