Day 3 of 2-1 nap (w/EMW)


New member
We started the 2-1 nap transition for our 13mo this weekend and are entering day 3 today. I know this transition is tough and we just need/want to power through but I’m hoping for a gut check on what we’re doing to best set him up for success.

The days have worked out well - he’s taken a 5-10 min micro nap in the morning (around his original first nap time of 10am) which has helped us get to a 12pm nap start time. First day he slept 3 hours (had to be woken) and yesterday he slept 2 hours 15 min (woke on his own). First day we did a 4.5 hr WW after bed, last night we did 5 hr. 5 hr is probably where we will net out in the beginning but open to pushing more.

He is still EMW throughout this - barely clocking in 9.5 hours. I knew to expect that with the 3 hour nap, and I guess it’s understandable giving the schedule shifts and what not. So my question is - is it reasonable for these to keep happening at the beginning of this transition? Should we just power through as is or could we be approaching this differently?

For context - all last week he had EMW despite capping each nap at one hour each. Prior to this schedule he was doing 2.5 hours in naps and 10.5 over night for the longest time (averaging 12.5-13 hours total) so we’re hoping it’s realistic to get back there given his total sleep needs shouldn’t have dropped this drastically?
@burdman Things have absolutely gotten a lot better - but to be 100% honest we are still slowly working at it. Right now we’re slowly pushing toward a 12:30pm nap start time so we can hopefully get back to an 8pm bedtime. But right now he’s at 12-12:15 start time nap doing about 2.5 hours and 7:30 bedtime waking around 5:30-6am
@burdman For the most part - yes. He would nap for hours if we let him. In the beginning we let him nap for as long as he would, capping at 3 hours, but quickly realized we needed to cap further. Right now we cap around 2.5 but will likely slowly start capping him closer to 2.25/2 in a months time.

That said, he’s cutting his first molar and has been a menace overnight so I’ve been a little more lenient with lengthy naps this week 🤷🏼‍♀️
@carlosg I am struggling with to cap or not cap at the moment. I was told that when they switch to 1 nap, they tend to sleep more. I am on Day 6, and while naps have been good, nights are a disaster. Last night we had a 9 hour night after a 3 hour nap day. That's less sleep than we he did on 2 naps. :(
@burdman I totally hear you - it’s been a journey we’re still fighting through.

How old are they and what schedule are you on and did you do cold turkey or gradual shift? We attempted cold turkey and realized our son was going to become quickly overtired given the early mornings, so we pulled back and ultimately shifted to a gradual approach.

We’ve worked with a consultant in the past and she mentioned that while some babies sleep more - not all do and just knowing our sons history and that he’s always been a touch lower sleep needs has helped just set realistic expectations (which sucks haha)
@carlosg 14.5 months. I am doing a micro nap around 9 30 then 12 15 nap. With 5 am wake ups, micro is becoming essential. How did you do gradual with EMW?
@burdman We started the exact same way - about a week of micro naps on the go and then decided we needed to cut the micro nap for fear it was reinforcing the EMW. Our son was just over 13 months when we switched and he’s now 15 months.

Once we cut the micro we pulled back and did 2-3 days of 11:30am start time. And we let him nap for as long as he would - usually 2.5-2.75. Then we did 3-5 days of 11:45 start time, and so on until we hit noon and we hung out at noon for awhile capping at 2.5 hours. We’ve since hit insane teething, sickness, and language regressions so we got back tracked a bit and are just now trying to get back on schedule with a 12:15 start time, capping at 2.25/2.5 ultimately working toward 12:30-2:30 nap where I’m hopeful we will be for a bit
@burdman Yes I am and I am also worried about that. I think most parents are, but especially those of us with kids waking early already! I’m not sure if I plan to just wing it or not - my partner and I are actually out of town that weekend so it’s my in laws that will bear the brunt of it 😅