Does anyone else window shop online for baby clothes? Just pretending at this point, I guess. We know we want to wait until birth to find out baby's sex so my registries have newborn and 0-3 month gender neutral stuff saved on them for now. But sometimes, at least when seasons change and new stuff is added, I pretend we just found out we had a baby girl/boy, and then go onto my preferred stores to 'window shop'. So for me, it's, Old Navy, Target, H&M, Carter's and Zulily. I save everything to my cart that I like, as if I was going to buy from there. Just the 3-6 month stuff for now. It gives me a heart attack every time with the cost, but it's a good reference point for how much that initial bulk buying of clothes will be when baby is born (in the future, not pregnant yet obviously).
Hoping I'm not just crazy at this point. We've been waiting to try for a very, very long time. I already have registries set up and set to private, and have a master to do list I'm working on while we WTT (cleaning and decluttering the house, garage, cars, pantry, fridge, freezer, beginning quilting, reading books, etc to pass the time until we would officially buy stuff for baby around 20 weeks pregnant).
Hoping I'm not just crazy at this point. We've been waiting to try for a very, very long time. I already have registries set up and set to private, and have a master to do list I'm working on while we WTT (cleaning and decluttering the house, garage, cars, pantry, fridge, freezer, beginning quilting, reading books, etc to pass the time until we would officially buy stuff for baby around 20 weeks pregnant).