Copper IUD post abortion P A I N

Hi! I had a copper iud placed yesterday, and last night was hit with a lot of bleeding (soaked through two pads). Today I was still bleeding and then an hour ago I started having the worst pain to the point of me crying and calling in sick from work. I passed some clots last night and today; about three in total all about the size of a little bigger than a quarter. It comes and goes in waves of intense cramp pain, very similar to how the abortion felt. I feel bloated and kind of sick to my stomach due to the anxiety it’s causing me. My fear is that it is moving down into my cervix or just doing something that it shouldn’t. I have a lot of fear of this even I’ve been told it is rare.

I am going to call the clinic but thought I’d ask on here too. Thank you!
@windabladesquire I had a similar thing going on. I passed clots has big as my index finger, not kidding I had the cup so I knew exactly how big. It went on for about 4 days when my doc prescribed a pill to stop the bleeding. Took it for 5 days and the bleeding went down but as soon as I stopped the clots started again. Honestly it was really frustrating so I took it out.

Do call your doc because IUDs can make you abnormally bleed but losing that much blood can make you feel weak and cause iron deficiency.

PS. only had mine for a month and it did cause bloating, cramps and also severe anxiety
@pennypule Oh my gosh I’m so sorry you went through all that just to take it out!!! :(

Thankfully I went to the doctor and she was very kind and concerned and said if anything got worse, IE bleeding got heavier or I got light headed etc. to go to urgent care. She removed a bunch of my clots for me which was very nice. Since then I’ve only passed one 4 quarter sized clot, so I do think her clot removing was super helpful. But, I took a turn for the better and now am only going through like 1 pad per 8+ hours and not even soaking through them. I have painful cramps in the morning but after about an hour of waking up I feel pretty good. Nothing seems off now, but I am going to get an ultrasound to make sure it’s all good in the uterus. The doctor called me to check in today and I reported to her and she was relieved to say the least.

My case is unique as it most likely was my first period post abortion which usually is EXTREME combined with being my first period on the copper IUD which is also extreme. Hopefully I can keep mine in and everything settles down.....till next month. 🥴 I am taking iron supplements everyday and I have been tested to make sure I absorb iron and I do!! I’m truly hoping this works for me otherwise I give up and am going to become abstinent hahaha

Ps. Very sorry to hear it caused anxiety, I had that with the mirena IUD for 6 months, and it really messed me up. I thought I’d never get an IUD again but getting pregnant and having an abortion changed my mind. The intense emotional pain that the mirena caused me was partly due to improper placement and partly the hormones messing with my head. I also had a hard time believing it was safe inside my uterus, not damaging me internally. This time around, getting it inserted was much better because my cervix was still soft from the abortion and I had a very seasoned doctor place it. I will also get the ultrasound to have the peace of mind that it is safe inside me. If I ever feel off I’ll get another ultrasound, I have great insurance from my parents still and am very grateful for that. I asked for a list of therapists that specialize in what I’ve been going through so I’ll also do that. I hope that you can find something that works for you and a means of de-stressing from the trauma it caused you. BC so often makes people miserable but we are stronger together, if you ever need to talk don’t hesitate to pm me. :)
@windabladesquire I am so happy for you!! I do believe IUDs are effective and safe for most of the population. Its just a few negative experiences which get highlighted.

Hope you get to keep it for how many ever years it is designed for
@inappropriatepw Yes that’s what I thought too! But it wasn’t that bad, more like 4 pads over the course of 12 hours so I wasn’t rushing to the emergency but was still concerned due to the pain. Appreciate your comment!!! ❤️ going to the clinic tomorrow to get it checked.