Copper IUD inserted in August (little over 7 months) and I haven't stopped bleeding since


New member
Hi I'm just curious if anyone else has had this issue w/ their copper IUD? I was on the pill from like 15-21 and then decided the pill was negatively affecting my mental health and it felt nice to live life without hormonal BC esp. during the pandemic and after a devistating loss in my life. I've always had super regular periods and thought time without any BC would do me good. And I'd say it did!

A couple years went by without any BC and I started seeing a new gyno March 2022 where they suggested the Mirena IUD. I trusted my doctor with this choice (not thinking the hormal IUD would affect me too much) and I had it inserted June 2022. The next 7 months after insertion led to non stop periods, extremely bad cystic acne, and in turn, a super negative impact on my mental health. I got the Mirena removed in January 2023. Immediately, I felt better and my periods went back to being more regular with less cramping and no spotting in between cycles.

I had to wait a year in between another IUD insertion for insurance to cover it. During this time, my partner and I talked about him getting a vasectomy, but ultimately I decided to try out the copper IUD. I had this inserted August 2023 and writing today (March 24, 2024), it truly feels like I have not stopped bleeding. I wear tampons every single day, bleed morning n night, and experience cramping daily. I think there's been maybe 4 weeks total (scattered throughout the last 7 months) where it stopped briefly, but otherwise I can't catch a break. I have my annual with my gyno in the next two weeks and I'm most likely going to have it removed, but I am just writing this to see if anyone else has had this issue with the copper IUD?

I know it takes a few months for your body to get used to the IUD, but like my god I don't think it'll ever stop. I think my body just hates IUDs lol. This one hasn't flared up my cystic acne like the Mirena which I am grateful for, but I am really over bleeding all the fcking time. My sex drive is shot and I feel pretty defeated most weeks when I am bleeding constantly. It can go from light bleeding to filling up n bleeding through an Ultra Tampon in like less than 2 hours throughout the course of 1 day.

Again, just posting on here to see if anyone else has experienced this before and if there's any suggestions w/ a different form of BC? I'd really like to avoid hormonal BC bc of my acne and mood swings, but at this point I'd try anything else. I'm not rlly interested in having kids and I'd like to still have sex weekly, but with a neverending period it all feels damn near impossible lol. Going to bring up the vasectomy discussion again with my partner to see if we could make that happen instead of trying another form of BC. Appreciate any comments! Thank you.
@daniel524 I’d say if you’re bleeding that much (a super tampon within a couple hours) I think that’s too much. You’ve had it enoigh time that I’d assume your body has settled with it. I’d personally go see a doc good luck’
@daniel524 I was bleeding for 6 months on copper iud had it removed because it was actually placed incorrectly and really messed up my body for 6 whole months. I ended up going to the ER for an ultrasound because nobody really listened until i was in extreme pain
Also, i know its not the same for everyone, but i suffer with cystic acne and nikki/loryena basically got rid of it entirely, i have no mood swings and a period once every 3 months. Its been great!