Confused - PCOS: Temping with NC, CB Advanced Digital OPK, and standard OPK


New member
I have lean PCOS that makes my cycle wonky - it’s like doing a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces changing size and shape regularly. Ovulated on CD 60 and accidentally had sex on the right day for my first baby, and I ovulated CD 14 after my first period when my baby was 4 months old (lost that pregnancy at 9 weeks, it was a chromosomal issue).

We are starting to TTC baby #2, and I am trying all of the tracking methods to see if I’m somewhat regularly ovulating on my current medications (metformin and prescription vit D). I temp and track with Natural Cycles, I take standard OPK, and I started CB Advanced Digital OPKs on CD 10 (my cycles have been CD 62, CD 62, CD 36 since my MMC in August).

Yesterday, CD 13, I got the flashing smile on the advanced digital but a clear negative lH test. However, in NC there is no option other than positive lH or negative lH. I marked it as a positive test, but I feel like it may be messing up my algorithm.

Does anyone have advice on how I should track it in my NC? Or is this not the right app for me? I know FF has an advanced digital tracker option, but I hate the idea of paying for a second app when NC was so expensive.

We are also just generally having sex about every other day, so do I even really need to worry about the algorithm right now and just keep up with making sure I even ovulate?
@skylerchav I second what the other commenter said about “high” (flashing smiley) vs “peak” (static smiley) on CBAD. I also have PCOS and insanely long/inconsistent cycles. In my previous cycle, CBAD gave me a couple days of high fertility, followed by peak fertility on CD20, on what turned out to be an 105 day cycle!! For my current cycle, it gave me peak fertility on CD 13, but here I am still chillin on CD 50. Fool me once/fool me twice… 🙄 I personally only use the paper LH strips now. After 50 straight days of peeing on multiple sticks a day, I don’t think I can do this again. I’m not ready to abandon this cycle just yet, but if this one is a bust, I think we’ll do one cycle of not trying/not preventing, then start seeing an RE. I’m not putting up with this for 6 months when there are meds to get the show on the road lol. I also absolutely will never be having sex EOD for 105 days. 😂😂

I do like how Fertility Friend allows you to log a standard OPK result AND a digital OPK result (under ‘Monitor’), as the two can and sometimes do differ. I’m not familiar with Natural Cycles.

Lastly, I’m so glad to hear about your baby conceived on CD60!!! That gives me so much hope 🥹

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