Confused and need opinions


New member
3/20 I got my first positive pregnancy test and then on 3/23 I got another positive but yesterday went and got my beta hcg and it was
@rajvir Blood is more accurate than a home urine test. What kind of test are you using? It’s more likely that the home tests are invalid/evap lines/etc than a blood result being wrong. Chemical pregnancy is also a possibility.

ETA. Looked at your post history with the progressively lighter tests. Unfortunately I think it was probably a chemical. 😣
@dutyandthebeast Also four or five days after unprotected intercourse I started spotting for a week then after tht is when I started feeling the pregnancy symptoms and my periods are short they only last 4 days and they r always come on time but this month it nvr showed up , bc I had it last month on the 17th of February ....
@rajvir Had something really similar happen to me, and unfortunately it was an early miscarriage. Depending on your doctors, be prepared for a run around. My original doctors refused to believe I was ever pregnant and sent me on a WHOLE wild goose chase (a story for another time). I’d definitely request more beta testing to make sure your hormonal levels are either increasing (fingers crossed!) or decreasing. It took awhile for me to fully miscarry, and it caused my hCG levels to fluctuate a lot. If they go up, even a little, ask about your progesterone levels and see if they can prescribe supplements to help support the fetus.
@1ambassador I'm sorry to hear about ur loss 😔🥺
I was gunna ask her to retake the test and other labs bc I had 4 positives 2 were dark but I was impatient and tested the nxt day and took 2 more they was vv faint positives still no sign of AF and still having symptoms of pregnancy 🤰 🙏🤞🏻🤷🏻‍♀️❤️
@rajvir Thank you! It was definitely a wild ride, but we’re currently 22 weeks and doing good with our rainbow. I’d definitely take the tests in! Ask for your progesterone levels as well! Those are usually a good indicator in combination with hCG. Sending positive thoughts your way!