Cholestasis Induction


New member
Okay, so I received a call this morning that has crushed my dreams of going into labor on my own. I have been diagnosed with Cholestasis and now have to be induced at 37 weeks. My son has shown every single sign of being ready to come out (even giving me preterm contractions at 28 weeks 😭 and then leaving me in prodromal labor since then and I'm almost 35 weeks now) other than straight breaking my waters. My question is, have any momma's managed to go into labor on their own without needing the induction? I hate pitocin and the way it makes me feel during labor. I am also completely against having a c section because I have a 5, 4, and 3 year old at home. My 5 year old has to be walked to school and I have no family to take her and she cannot ride the bus because we live less than a mile from the school. So a c section is not really an option for me. I need some advice on anyone that's been in an induction situation. I really want to go naturally.
@napua You may not need the pitocin. Especially as it's your 4th and you're already having contractions. You only need it if labour doesn't get going by itself once your waters have broken.

If you end up needing a c section though, I had one in May. I could have done the walk you describe within a few days if I timed the painkillers correctly. Would just be slower than normal.

Would getting a taxi with her for a week or so be an option as a back up?
@garryowen Like an Uber? The walk is 15 mins. The contractions are irregular right now. I'm going to ask my OB if I can do things to get my body ready for labor like raspberry tea, exercises, sex, etc. I've been on pelvic rest since 28wks when I had the preterm contractions and she said she'd lift that at 37 weeks, but that was before the cholestasis diagnosis.
@napua Yeah - just as a backup plan if a 15 min walk isn't feasible.

If you're already having to try and hold back contractions, chances are you'll progress by yourself.

It's one of those things where you don't have much choice so there's no point worrying about it. You can figure out getting to the school regardless.
@garryowen I can't send her in an Uber by herself, and I can't fit three toddlers plus a newborn and myself in the back of an Uber either. If worse comes to worse and a c section does become a life or death option, I suppose she'll have to miss school until I'm able to make the walk. (If it wasn't clear, I have to make the walk with the baby in a stroller, and the 3 toddlers with me.)