Can we normalize asking babies genders before assuming?


New member
I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. My daughter is about 16 months old and is constantly misgendered, even when she's wearing a bunch of pink and bows. I understand that people want to be open and gender neutralized and such and I have absolutely no problem with that, if that is THEIR choice. But my daughter gets called a boy often and it drives me crazy. During a 20 minute grocery store trip today she got called a boy THREE times. She doesn't have much hair yet and maybe that's why they just assume, but she can have a shirt on that literally says "little sister" and people still call her a boy. She doesn't like bows on her head and I just don't feel like it's worth it to pierce her ears this young. I look at her and just think she's to dang pretty to be a boy, but it happens almost every time we leave the house.

Ok..rant over. I'm just really butthurt over this.

Edit: some.. ok MOST of you guys seemed to take this in a way it was not intended for. I, personally, get annoyed when my daughter is called a boy because my efforts of dressing her in more of a feminine outfit are completely ignored. It's more of a feminine or masculin issue, not about genitals. Genitalia wasn't even on my mind when I thought about this and I find it kinda disgusting that yall went straight to that. Smh... like yall think I really just want her fuckin coochie out there for the world to know about. GiRlS hAvE vAgInAs AnD bOyS hAvE pEnIsEs. Obviously, we already know that. All I wanted to do was come here to vent because my efforts of putting cute GIRL outfits together are shrugged off and people frequently call her a boy because or her lack or hair. YOU may not give two shits, but I do. I also got hate for even bringing up the pierced ear thing but I stated that I DONT think it's worth. I came here vent and most of yall are kinda being a bunch of dicks about it and completely disregarding my feelings about it. No, my toddler isn't bothered, she doesn't even know. But I care, and this comment section is not the business.
@linktogunner I mean, I don't get upset when someone misgenders my dog on a walk. They're a stranger, an NPC in my life that I'll likely never see again.

There's too many things in life to stress about than to worry about someone misgendering a potato.
@linktogunner I know you're only 16 months into this but as a parent, you need to learn to let little things like this go or you'll drive yourself crazy. Focus on your own life and don't worry about what other people are saying/doing/thinking.
@linktogunner Not gonna lie this is a weird hill to die on.

I have 2 daughters, my eldest was bald till about 16 months and even in pink she'd get called a boy. I'd just say she's a girl and moved on. Some things are really not a big deal
@linktogunner My 3 yo daughter was in the pool this summer and took off her shirt.

Guess what she looked like? A boy

My dad said “wow if I didn’t know it then i’d say she’s a boy, she looks just like you” (her dad)

And she’s very pretty. The thing is boy kids are pretty too. They really look very similar up to like 4-5
@linktogunner It doesn't matter. At all. I know it's easier said than done but you really have to learn how to let things go. Being a parent is not for the faint of heart and having such a silly hill to die on is only going to make your life a heck of a lot harder because things get a lot more challenging than people thinking your daughter is your son.
@linktogunner my 10 year old boy has long hair and doesn't even care this much when someone calls him a girl. Just corrects them and goes on with his life, it's really not a big deal.
@linktogunner Its so stupid that everyone assumes little girls are boys because they have short hair. Lol a baby isn't born with waist length hair. That said, not much you can do about it, me thinks, especially if they're still referring to her as a boy with girl clothing on...