Can we be honest for a minute here?

I used to love being a SAHP and I probably still do, but I hate it under these conditions. One year, two months and 23 days ago we began virtual pre-K (now K) for my oldest and working remotely for my wife. Also have two younger ones including an infant.

I feel like this will literally never end. I have never lived with this level of chaos/disorganization before. Everything is a mess. All I do is tend to everyone’s needs and clean up, which seems futile. I’m tired of helping my wife figure out and facilitate whatever she’s having for lunch and whatever random task she needs help with now.

I am SO incredibly sick and tired of doing remote kindergarten with my 5 y/o, who figured out a long time ago when she’s on mute she can say whatever she wants because the teacher and classmates can’t hear her. It’s beyond frustrating.

There’s no break unless it’s 11:00 PM and I’m utterly exhausted at that point.

Can this please end????

Rant over.
@ajewelinhiscrown I'm in a similar place and I'm miserable. I hate this. I feel like my old pre-kid self has died and I've been replaced by a robot. Because all I do is take care of kids, try to clean the house which is also futile, and go to work in the evening as a server which involves more cleaning and more taking care of others needs and neglecting my own. I'm exhausted all the time. I don't want to do this anymore.
@ajewelinhiscrown Yep I'm in the same boat. I've got a 6 year old and a 3 year old. Everyday is boring. All the museums, libraries, pools, freaking everything we used to do that was fun we can't do. I try to plan one outing a day but they aren't fun. Like wooooo we pick up a book from the library off the table outside. Yippeeeeeeeee. Or we bike somewhere to get one fruit. Hurrah.

The kids are bored and restless and so am I. I want to take them to a lake or something but since swimming classes are cancelled they both sink like rocks so it's too dangerous.

So now there's just nothing. They're announcing new restrictions/changes this afternoon. I'm afraid to even hope there will be any improvements. Our numbers are still nuts high but there's nothing left they can close.
@ajewelinhiscrown This whole year has been a real uphill battle for parents and children. Things have finally started opening where I’m at and the weather isn’t crap anymore so that’s something to be thankful for. I feel your pain
@ajewelinhiscrown Are you getting any time for yourself at all? Do you have anyone who can occasionally help with the kids? I've been a sahp for 15 years, a homeschooling parent for 10 and NO help, outside of my husband, for 9 years. If it's viable for your wife to come home and give you just one hour of you time everyday I think this would help you a lot. It helped me. My kids are older now so it's easier (it gets easier!) Hope this is helpful.
@savedtoservehim Couldn’t be more sympathetic with you. My 5 yo is a young kindergartner so needs constant help doing and refocusing. Other kids in her class sit there and literally do the whole school day by themselves. It’s unreal. These kids also know how to type and are chatting with each other in the zoom chat. I’m so over this. Glad it’s
almost over for you.
@ajewelinhiscrown I feel this in my bones with a 5, 3 and 1 year old. The majority of our friends are either childless or with older children that are now vaccinated so seeing their back to normal lives when we won't be there for awhile is also soul crushing.