C curl


New member
I’ve been co sleeping& c curling with my LO for the past 9 weeks (she’s 12w) it started from her being so over stimulated from Christmas that she didn’t sleep for almost 20 hours and would only sleep on me, she loved her crib but I’ve created a very cute little monster (although I must admit I love sleeping with her) anyway my question is - does this cause Scaphocephaly I’ve gotten myself into a rabbit hole and I’m scaring myself I know think she might even have Williams disease!! I’m only saying this bc her forehead seems to protrude and I don’t know if it’s 1. From her father/genetics 2. Because she sleeps on her side(facing me with her feet on my thighs) or 3. That she has Williams disease. I got the full 200 panel test when I was pregnant and and I don’t know if that was tested for.

Anyway I guess my question is- how has this affected your babies head?
@areli I think it's good idea to alternate sides. It was better for my own back too and for baby as well. Try to wear her as much as possible during day and have tummy time.
@areli You could try having her sleep on her back? But I’m sure you’ve already tried that, some babies don’t like it.

Our LO prefers her side, but I’ll roll her onto her back and rest my hand under her bumb and legs to keep her there. She also seems to love being held like that as she falls asleep.