C-19 Vax


New member
Question, have you and your SO talked about getting vaccinated while pregnant? Thoughts and comments welcome. Thanks

Edit: We want to say THANK YOU for those of you that weighed in. We appreciate it very much.
@randypnw Add me to the chorus of get it! We weren’t pregnant during COVID but wife is still nursing and so glad to provide some level of immunity on. She’s also a maternity nurse and aware of the trends, CDC has correlated COVID infection in mother during pregnancy to higher rates of stillbirth. If you or your partner are unsure or concerned talk to your doc!
@randypnw I had covid at 34 weeks pregnant with my first in 2020. She was born scheduled c section at 37 weeks and some change.

She spent 22 days in two different NICU’s for breathing issues and has asthma. We spent her first birthday admitted to a PICU for RSV. The pediatrician said her lungs responded like “a 3 month old infant’s”. Her medical team has a theory that her lungs stopped developing when I had covid and although she was term, her lungs were premature.

I’m 17 weeks with our second and my sense of smell/taste returned distorted and I have been miserably sick every day because everything smells horrible.

Get. Vaccinated.
@randypnw Another pro from me. Partner got the second right before and the booster during 2nd trimester. No regrets. Nice to have piece of mind that she’s less likely to get it, and if she does unlikely to get super sick.
@ahealingpen Same thing. Vaxxed before, booster during second trimester. Baby is all good, and I’ve got the cutest ultrasound pics to prove it if you want to see (I literally can’t stop showing people).
@randypnw Got vaccinated and boosted while pregnant. No issues whatsoever.

Please really encourage your SO to do so..I work in healthcare and have seen so many unvaccinated moms get incredibly sick from COVID.
@randypnw My wife is an obgyn and was vaccinated during our pregnancy. If it matters, I’m also a virologist with a PhD and we extensively reviewed all data that were available last summer before making the decision.
@randypnw My wife and I discussed this over and over while she was pregnant. This was when CDC recommendation for pregnant women was to weigh the risk of COVID with limited but promising data for vaccines.

At this point, I was fully vaccinated and we decided wife will not go out of the house and we were taking extreme precautions (like not meeting any friends who have met anyone in last 7 days)

Then came the delta variant. We are originally from India and saw what it did there. Our OB also strongly encouraged us to get the vaccine and answered any questions for us. We also talked to a few more knowledgeable folks and they convinced us that the mechanism of how vaccines work, there is a very very low chance (if any) of long term effects which wouldn't have already showed. Even though this vaccine is new, vaccines themselves are not and most of the fundamentals remain the same. Only live virus vaccines are usually not recommended for pregnant women.

Delta variant immediately turned the balance in favor of getting her vaccinated. So, she got both her Pfizer doses during second trimester and is scheduled to get her booster once eligible.

We had our healthy beautiful baby in October. It was a difficult choice for us at that point, but I now understand that's part of parenting, making these choices for your kids until they can make them themselves.
@randypnw I actually got pregnant between my 1st & 2nd doses & I was really hesitant to get it at first, but I decided the benefits definitely outweigh the risks. If you go to the nurses sub, you will see some really tragic stories about pregnant moms with covid. My sister in law is a labor & delivery nurse & she sees it every day - moms getting deathly ill, dads unable to attend births, moms who can't see their newborn babies.
@randypnw Yes, got first shot pregnant and 2nd while breastfeeding. Sore arm but that’s it. No regrets.

No correlation or causation but Kid came out 10 fingers, 10 toes, close to 9 lbs of chonk lol