Brown stretch marks 8 months PP that haven’t faded much. Does this mean I’ll have them forever?


New member
I’m a 20 y/o ftm. I’ve had stretch marks when way younger on my thighs and butt and they are white now. I don’t remember how long they took to fade but.. the ones on my belly, hips, legs, and butt, are all a bright, dark red-brown. They’re very much still really noticeable. I feel really weird like this. Also, I’ve not hydrated at all if I’m being honest. I’ve left my skin alone essentially and might’ve been fairly dehydrated at some points too because being a mom I guess I forget I’m a human being that has needs lol. Anyways uh… is there anything I’ve done wrong or that I can do? Will I have these stretch marks forever? I’ve read a lot of other stories where people’s stretch marks are nearly invisible or gone by the year mark, sometimes even by 6 months they’re already really faded. I’m at 8 months and they’re still pretty dark..