Brezza x Bobbie - more formula than instructed


New member
Our LO, 5 weeks, was having constipation. Our pediatrician recommend we check if the Brezza was giving too much formula / too little water. So I ran some tests with a food scale.

Bobbie calls for 8.6g for every 2 oz of water.

My results: on setting #5, on average, the Brezza produced 9.7g of formula for every 2 oz of water. The range was between 9.2g and 10.1g. I ran 20 measurements.

We started adding a small amount of extra water (~6ml per 2 oz of water) to the brezza made bottle and baby has been back to normal poops and gaining weight nicely.

Could just be our machine but I figured I'd post here in case anyone was going through a similar experience!

[Interestingly enough, setting #4 produced closer results to the Bobbie instructions with ~8.4g of formula, on average, for every 2 oz of water]
@ornateotron We have been using the Brezza w our baby (6weeks) the setting when we set it up listed on website was 4. It does indeed say 5 now. Was it changed? I know Bobbie just had a slight formula change, did that affect it?
@ajc017 Wait - you're totally right! We had been gifted a few cans of Bobbie so I chalked it up to an old version. But that can now says 5 now as well. They must have changed it recently.
@ornateotron And how accurate are the scoops provided with each formula? - I just took 2 measures with a 1/100th gram scale, and got 3.99 and 4.3 for a 4.2 grams per scoop formula. So the whole debate might be a bit of an overkill?