breastfeeding 2 day old


New member
im a new mom and my milk supply is not here. i keep hearing colostrum is enough but my baby is acting very hungry and not satisfied. what did you all do in the early days? any advice??

EDIT: wow. i wrote this post deliriously tired with a baby on my boob about to break apart. the support and advice i've received has changed my entire perspective on the situation. i thought my body was failing, i was failing, so on. i want to say thank you to all of you who took the time to give me advice, stories, and encouragement. this was so helpful.
@mama2b2010 Yes, don’t give up and keep feeding your baby around the clock. If you can, limit visitors so you and your baby can bond. If you’re feeling the tension rise, take big, deep, yoga-style breaths while feeding your baby.
@mama2b2010 THIS! I made a huge mistake with my first and didn’t follow this. Thought I was a low supplier so supplemented with formula. I didn’t know I was supposed to just keep feeding or even cluster feed! I was a low supplier/just enougher. Took along time for my supply to go up.
@mama2b2010 This is the best advice. Their tummies are tiny so they’re going to nurse very frequently! Seconding the advice to limit visitors so you can get breastfeeding down and nurse often enough for your milk to come in!

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