Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3


New member
How the heck? My husband goes back to work in a few weeks - trying to figure out how to breast feed / keep a pumping schedule for my 2 month old with a 3 and 1-1/2 year old.
@number3 Once you and baby can navigate nursing in the carrier, you’ll level up. Until then, everyone gets in the baby corral with you while you nurse or pump. This is also definitely a time to give yourself some extra grace when it comes to screen time and junky snacks.
@number3 We turned it into feeding and story time so the older ones looked forward to it. I would read a story then my 3-year-old would turn the pages and read a story for the little one making it up as they go. Collect easy reach snacks for the day and have a snack together while I breastfed. I made the older ones feel like they were helping
@number3 I'd reserve pumping for before they get up, nap time, and after bedtime if you can.

I'd also create a baby proofed area in your home where everyone can hang out together baby eats. For me, when mine were 3u3 it was downstairs with a bunch of toys. This time I'm trying to set up a large baby gate that will keep me and my 4u4 trapped in the livingroom so we don't need to do stairs at any point haha
@number3 Mine weren’t quite that close in age but I did breastfeed all 4. But I didn’t pump too, well I didn’t after my first anyway. But I became a pro at popping baby on while we chilled on the floor or yes, used tv to occupy them so I could sit down for a few. I missed the long, luxurious nursing sessions I had with only 1 kid, but each time we got it done. (I nursed each of the 4 for 15-18 months with no formula and they’re between 23-28 months apart.)
@roguefriar That’s how I did it too! Only 3 kids so far though. I think breastfeeding is actually easier than formula with so many little kids because you don’t have to deal with bottles. I’m not sure why OP is needing to pump
@lucsch He was born a few weeks early and was a "lazy eater" so nurses had me pump to bring in milk in beginning and he didn't eat as much as I was producing so I kept up with it to prevent over engourgment. But also on top of that the convenience of my husband or someone else being able to feed so I can sleep or spend quality time with the older two has been a lifesaver. The older two try to be on my lap while I have / feed new baby eye roll the special toys and snacks are worth a try. Are/ were you guys nursing on demand? I'm struggling with that since it's every couple hours from anywhere of 10 min to 1-1/2 hours...a 3 and 1-1/2 year olds attention to toys and snacks doesn't last

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