Breakfast supplement


New member
So my 3 year old just started pre-k and she is not a breakfast person so every morning before school it’s a struggle to get her to eat something and I feel like she should have something in her belly before going to school. My coworker suggested pediasure and I did some research and decided to go with Origin kids which is basically the same thing but without all of the added sugar and dyes. She won’t drink anything that is not regular milk, chocolate milk or water so I’m thinking of doing the chocolate flavored shake and just telling her it’s chocolate milk. I’m just not sure if this is the best idea for a breakfast. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I would greatly appreciate it if you passed on some ideas I’m at a loss.
@birdlover99 I'm not personally a fan of hiding things in food but you know your kid best. Something we like to do is breakfast smoothies. You can make them fresh but you can also freeze leftovers in ice cube trays and then put those in reusable pouches to eat on the go. We always put fruit and a protein source in them. Our kid helps us make them which makes her even more excited to eat them.

I also used to make myself breakfast muffins and keep them in the freezer and just defrost as needed. My favourite are a spinach & feta cheese but you can get all kinds of recipes (cornbread based ones are also fire). For me, I find it hard to eat right after I wake up but eating on the way to work/school is much easier. Your kiddo might be the same.
@birdlover99 What about smoothies frozen into popsicles? They come in all sorts of fun shapes and then you can pack them full of nutrients - chia for iron, coconut oil for fat, etc.
@birdlover99 When do they wake up and when does school start? Does school offer any kind of a morning snack time?

We're in the same boat and I've just resigned to not having my kid each much breakfast. If he's not hungry, I don't want to force or trick him into eating so that he's good at honoring his natural hunger cues. Today he woke up around 6:30, are one single apricot at 7:00, school started at 8:00 and they had snack time at 9:15.