Blighted ovum miscarriage or viable pregnancy?


New member
Yesterday at my 8w6d ultrasound there was no fetal pole visible. The radiologist said the gestational sac was actually measuring 6 weeks but that there still should be a fetal pole visible. My hcG numbers were 29,900 mIU/mL, which the nurse said was good and that I need to wait and have another ultrasound in 10 days to verify if the pregnancy is viable or not.

I’m 36 and have had one successful pregnancy at 32. I’m just wondering if anyone else has not seen a fetal pole at 6 weeks and still had a successful pregnancy? Or is this pretty much bad news?
But I wasn’t testing until I was 35 days in my cycle because we had been trying for two years with no success. So I didn’t even try to test until later
@mark6126 Okay. Unfortunately the earliest it's physically possible for you to be today is 7w+4, and that's assuming you get a positive at 10dpo. You would definitely have a fetal pole and heartbeat by now if it was viable I'm afraid, especially as you say you tested later. It sounds like it may have stopped progressing around 6 weeks.
@garryowen Sorry, I’m trying to follow the 7w+4 calculation. The first day of my last menstrual period was Aug. 11, not sure when ovulation happened but pregnancy test was positive on Sept. 14. How did you get 7w+4?
@mark6126 So if you had a positive test on the 14th, the absolute latest you could have ovulated would be 10 days before that on the 4th Sept. You could not have ovulated after that date or the test on the 14th would have been negative.

A pregnancy conceived on the 4th September would be 7w+4 today. This is the minimum - your actual gestation could be anything above this as in reality you almost certainly conceived before the 4th.

Period dates are used just to estimate ovulation - calculators assume you have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on day 14.
@mark6126 I had the same thing happened when I first found out I was pregnant... The difference is they made me wait 7 days instead of 10. It was hell and now i have a 2 and a half month baby rolling around beside me... I was gonna post a picture of her on here if they had a photo option for the comment section. Best of luck and never give up... Im 36 btw...