Bleeding every other week on Nexplanon


New member
Hello! I have been on Nexplanon since October of 2022, so it has almost been 2 years now.

In the last 2-3 months, I have been experiencing a period every other week (one week on, one week off) as well as a lot of acne suddenly appearing. Since starting nexplanon, I did notice I’d have maybe one or two pimples pop up, which I could deal with. However when this issues started coming up, I’ve gotten the worse acne E V E R all over my jawline and cheek area (like cystic acne, the kind of hormonal acne I used to get when I was a teenager). Ive KINDA got the acne under control now after starting a good skincare routine, but I’m still having the weird periods.

By periods, I mean PERIODS. Not spotting here and there… Full blown bleeding for 5-7 days with horrible cramps, sometimes it is light but sometimes heavy, and I have been feeling so tired and drained and I frequently have pelvis/lower back and hip pain. (Im also currently going through an issue with being severely deficient in vitamin D but that’s beside the point).

Im actually currently bleeding again, started yesterday, and I am currently having the worst cramps ever.

I just want to know what yall think. Has this happened to you?? What did you do? What did your doctor/ob tell you? I went to my doctor and all he did was take a full lab panel and find out Im severely deficient in vitamin d. He didnt acttualy advise me on what to do about this issue stating it’s “fine” and “normal.”

Not seeking medical advice, im just looking to hear other people’s experience and what they did to maybe help guide me.. im trying to stay on birth control as I have surgery scheduled for the fall and I CANNOT get pregnant as this is a surgery I need.

@tigos Hi ! I’m currently on the implant, but actually getting it removed this month due to side effects. This is my second round of it, I had my first one put in 2017. This second time has affected me so much differently including the periods you describe. I understand - it’s tiring and annoying. I went to the doctor a few times to see what was going on. I ended up getting a few vaginal checks, but they said it was all fine and was likely just the implant. About 6 months ago, I went again and they told me “be patient” as inconsistent periods could last for a year. It’s been way over a year for me now and it still happens. I would see if you could get a phone appointment with your provider to see if they have any medical recommendations or just tell you to wait like I was told. Sorry to hear you’re experiencing this!
@pinkfreud Goodness, I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having similar issues! I reallllyyy wish more doctors would actually address this concern with us folk on birth control have instead of just telling us to “wait it out” because it cannot be good for our health to have a full blown period every.other.week.

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