Blakely Jo


New member
So my wife and I are having our first kid soon. A little girl. We love the name Blakely (first name) Jo (middle name) as it’s named after both our moms and after both my dad and I’s middle name. We mentioned the name to my brother in law and he mentioned how the initials will be BJ which we hadn’t thought of… if the J was just the middle name I wouldn’t be as concerned, but our last name starts with a J also. So her initials will be BJJ or BJ (first and last). We are probably just over thinking it, but we don’t want her to be made fun of for her initials. Do you guys think this will be fine? Thanks for any input!!!

Edit: clarification
@littlelilly My husband’s initials are BJJ and he says he did get made fun of constantly in middle school/high school. People called him “Blowjob J_____” or would just giggle over BJ. He says to this day he still gets random comments from less mature people at work. It doesn’t bother him as much anymore though, he’s a well-rounded adult lol
@littlelilly I literally knocked every B name off the list because our last name starts with a J. I'd say no because BJ is an awful nickname and worse for a girl.

I love B names too, so it sucks!
@toomanytroubles I decided aged 6 that my first daughter would be a Bethany. Fast forward and my children’s father last name begins with a J. I had to give up my dream for my child’s sanity at school
@littlelilly Yeah… you’re kind of setting her up💔 I’ve been a teacher for years and kids can be mean. Up to you though. If you use it, prepare some good comebacks for her to use!
@debbiec This is mean. If you can’t say it nicely then don’t say anything.
I don’t love the name either personally but I wouldn’t be nasty like this.
@debbiec lol everyone has different taste. I’m not too concerned on your thoughts in any regard to the name itself. My only concern was over the initials. Thanks tho!
@littlelilly I would pick something else. I know people can find a way to make fun of any name, but it's best to avoid low hanging fruit imo. Maybe you could find a similar name that doesn't start with B or switch it so the J name comes first. Joanna Blake, Jolie Blake, ect. What family names did Blakely Jo come from?
@cb4yah Why would public school matter? Do you learn about BJs earlier in private school? Is that why the kids that come into my hometown's highschool from the local k-8 Catholic School are always the ones that are found having sex in the bathrooms? Lol
@iprefertoremainanonymous Sorry, I meant school other than homeschool. I was exposed to a lot in school that probably wouldn’t have happened if I was homeschooled. Kids are exposed to a lot, a lot younger these days w social media and internet access and in a school setting it just spreads