BFP after period (x post TBAFlineporn)


New member
EDIT — thanks to everyone for sharing their stories and advice! I made a decision to put the phone down and walk away yesterday, once I realized I had been glued to reddit and google for over 5 hours 🥴. Limbo sucks but I am looking forward to seeing what a doctor says. ❤️❤️❤️

Hi everyone — I’ve posted this in a few subs but was hoping to get some more feedback. I’ve been glued to my phone all day trying to read up on similar situations...

I got a BFP this morning (!) but I am very confused about timing/how far along I am.

I had a period on November 30. I don’t temp, but going by OPKs I then ovulated around December 12th.

We BD’d on December 10th, 11th and 13th.

On December 23rd (CD 26) I had some pink spotting. I took a FRER on December 24th and got a negative.

On December 26th, I got my period. This was 4 days of red bleeding, cramps. It felt like a period. Whatever that means...I’m starting to doubt myself :(

Period ends. On January 2nd I take an OPK and it is blazing positive. And then, 4 more days of straight blazing OPKs multiple times a day. I decide to take a pregnancy test because it seems off, and today I got multiple BFPs.

I’ve seen some mention of ectopic pregnancy and I plan to call and make an appointment tomorrow. Is there any chance of a positive outcome here?
@eishtmo I had something similar but unfortunately it didn’t have a positive end. I had a light positive the day my period was due but then started bleeding and had a normal period. A few days later felt sick and took another test which was positive but not as dark as it should have been. I went to the doctor and she did bloodwork. I had bleeding again a week later and was told to go for ultrasound after. No ectopic just a very slow drawn out early miscarriage.

My tests didn’t get as dark as yours though. I would see a doctor and get a beta hcg done. Bleeding can be normal in pregnancy.
@eishtmo Currently going through something very similar! I bled lightly for 4 days so I thought I had my period. But when the bleeding stopped halfway through day 4, I got suspicious. I took a test the next morning and it was faintly positive. I’ve been bleeding on and off for two weeks now, but my doc ordered betas and is happy with how those are progressing. They said sometimes bleeding is normal in pregnancy and to go to the ER if I bleed through more than a pad per hour. Full disclosure: I’m starting to get wary of this practice because I don’t believe they’re taking my worries seriously. I would definitely call your doc and tell them what’s going on.
@josephjurg Is it still a sign if there’s no pain? I also expressed my concern about that to my OB’s office and they said since I’m not having any pain, that isn’t likely. I’ve had little twinges and cramps here and there but nothing bad and nothing constant. I thought with an ectopic you’d have constant one sided pain.
@tru_telr I have brought it up and my OB office won’t schedule an appointment until January 27. I am going to call another office tomorrow and ask for a second opinion about the situation.
@wippmadeed Did your bleeding all stop? Any cramping? Any naseau? Pain?
Look up ectopic symptoms

Personally I didn't get an ultrasound. Not much to be seen at 4 weeks.

Though I'm not trying to dissuade you.
@tru_telr No the bleeding has been going on since 4 weeks, off and on. I’m 5.5 now. I have had random mild cramps here and there, but nothing continuous. I have also not had nausea at all. I also didn’t have any nausea with my first pregnancy, and that one ended in miscarriage at 8 weeks.
@wippmadeed Yeah if you're 5.5 weeks now you could definitely get an ultrasound. Definitely weird they won't give it to you. If you walk into an er they will. If this baby sticks you will probably meet your deductible this year anyway?
@tru_telr I just don’t know if my situation is bad enough to go to the ER. I haven’t had any heavy bleeding. Plus my ER copay is $200 and my doctors visit is only $30 so I’d much rather try again to get into the OB earlier or call another practice and try to be seen there. My OB told me they can’t see anything before 8 weeks (which I know isn’t true) so they won’t schedule an US any earlier than that.
@wippmadeed So I'm just gonna share my anecdote from my miscarriage over the summer.

I was bleeding at week 7. Called my doctor who said to come to office to rule out ectopic. I was many hours from home so I went to the local er. Got ultrasound. Ruled out ectopic. Eventually miscarried. Which is all to say that it's reasonable to go to the ER if you want to.

Also just fyi the way your doctor office is getting paid is probably a "global billing period" which means they get one lump sum for the pregnancy. They won't get paid to do the ultrasound which is maybe why they won't do it. Sucks I know.

Obviously do what you feel most comfortable with and it would make sense to get it done in an office if possible and not the ER but you totally can go to the ER if you want. Because of EMTALA law, if you say you have bleeding and pain and are worried about ectopic 99.99% they will give you an ultrasound

(obviously I'm assuming your in the US)
@wippmadeed Thank you for sharing this. I relate so much as I get a lot of anxiety when I have to push back on doctors offices. I am going to try and make a conscious effort to say no fucks given and really advocate for myself (whether it be for this pregnancy or anything in the future...). I hope you’re able to get your answers soon and find a better OB! Sending good thoughts!
@eishtmo It’s hard to advocate for yourself, but it’s so worth it! I always feel nervous about standing up to doctors offices because I know they think I’m just some random person off the street who knows nothing about pregnancy. It’s true that most people have no idea how reproduction actually works. And yes, bleeding once in awhile CAN be normal in pregnancy. But it could also mean a few scary things so I don’t see what’s so bad about ruling out the bad things early and trying to prevent losses. Don’t let your OB treat you like that! I am hoping for good news to you as well.
@eishtmo Similar thing happened to me. Got my period November 17. We were tracking and I ovulated on CD 19. On 13 DPO I tested before my Christmas party and got a super squinter. 14 DPO got a FRER and it was a faint positive. 15-16 DPO light positives. 17 DPO I got my period. 4 days of bleeding. I figured it was another chemical pregnancy.
20 DPO I tested again to make sure the tests went back to negative and they were more positive than ever. Kept testing and got a dye stealer. Ended up going to the clinic and getting my betas tested. First test 172. Four days later 1066. 3 days later later 3000. Had an ultrasound Monday and they saw the gestational sac, but nothing in it, so they were afraid of ectopic still. Thursday I had another ultrasound with my OB and we saw the fetal pole and yolk sac.
I have been an absolute stress ball for the past 3 weeks. My doctor says all looks healthy now.
Hopefully it continues that way! And hopefully things work out for you too! Limbo sucks.
@eishtmo Hi!

So in October I got my period, or so I thought. It was right on time. I bled for only two days but the first day I bled about the same as a period. Second day I didn't bleed normal amount--too light. Third day, no blood. Took a test. Bfp!

I'm now 14 weeks pregnant and baby is perfect so far. No bleeding since then.

So call your doctor but don't lose all hope.
@eishtmo There are a lot of causes for bleeding in the first trimester that can be mistaken for a period or miscarriage. Definitely check in with your doctor.

I had unexplained bleeding my whole first trimester. No haematoma, no loss. Best answer they could give me was "idk. Maybe because you're having twins?"