Beta hcg only ‘32’ - any chance of successful pregnancy?


New member
Update 6/2 - it was a chemical :(
I did ivf. my day 9 is day ‘14 past ovulation’. Was devastated - beta today ‘32’ 💔. I had a pregnancy Nov 2023 where my starting beta was over 200. It was a MC at 11 weeks bc hematoma. But was a strong pregnancy itself.

Any successful pregnancies with such a low start ? After a d&c , 3 rounds of ivf, I waited 7 months to try again. I’m crushed and desperate for any hope? Maybe I’m delusional?

@pledgerosaparks No need to feel heartbroken , its positive, as it has been said now whats important is the doubling . I know how stressful it is, my first beta was also below average but then it doubled nicely , hold in there !
@pledgerosaparks Mine was 25 around 14dpo. I’m 13 weeks now and all is well so far! The 2nd beta will give you a much better picture of how things are going. Praying for good news for you!!
@pledgerosaparks You’re welcome! I was so nervous when I was in that limbo and had just had my 2nd miscarriage in February and it was just a terrible few weeks. It’s such a hard spot to be in especially after all you’ve been through with IVF. My 2nd beta 43 hours later was 47 if that helps for when you get your 2nd beta. 1 week later it was 973. Truly praying that you get good news soon!
@pledgerosaparks The beginning number doesn’t matter much, it’s the doubling that counts! I think I was 70 on 10dpt and I’m 16 weeks now. Easily could have just implanted on the later side and your hcg hasn’t had much time to rise yet. Good luck!!
@laveencw What was your beta when it picked up ? How far along now ? I have my second beta tomorrow and my home tests look exactly the same today (15 dpo as 14 dpo (the day I got the 32) 😔 trying to prepare for a minimal rise tomorrow (if at all)
@pledgerosaparks It was 16dpo 55, 19dpo 132 21dpo 325.

I’m 7+4 weeks today, still hanging on!
Mine were also frozen day 3 embryos!

I read somewhere that it takes a while sometimes for the frozen embryos to implant.
@majubahill Wow that’s great to hear. So hard to not know if I’m growing something or miscarrying inside. Next beta is tomorrow. Feels sort of impossible major changes could have occurred in 2 day but I hope
🙏 . Helpful to heed your experience!
@pledgerosaparks I felt the same way when I saw mine as I had a complete molar and then trisomy 22 loss back to back. But every scan has been perfect so far and everything is looking great. Sending you all the positive energy!