bedtime with 4 y/o and 3 m/o


New member
we have adjusted surprisingly easily to being a family of 4. the only thing i’m struggling with is bedtime routine. for 4 y/o it’s always been dinner, bath at around 7:30, in bed at 8 and asleep by 8:30. right now the only routine the baby has is really changing into her pajamas at some point between 6-8. she sleeps through the night regardless of what goes on really, but id still like to establish a routine. the main issue is baths. i only bathe her in the tub like once, maybe twice a week, usually before starting dinner (6pm). but then dinner ends up being too late, 4 gets to bed later as a result, and i don’t have time to shower before bed. do i just keep doing it like this until baby is big enough to put her in the tub with her brother? bathe her quickly in the baby tub in another bathroom while 4 has his bath? how do i do this?
@rogueebear I would put the baby tub in the tub with my toddler and let the toddler play while I bathed the baby quickly and gave him to my husband to dry off and put pjs on. If my husband was working I would change him in the bathroom and bring in a bouncer/seat to put him in and bathe my toddler quickly then get him out, so I would maybe try to do a quicker dinner or start cooking earlier on the days you want to bathe the baby to start the bath at 7/715ish then keeps your toddler on schedule. But please don’t leave the toddler alone in the bath tub no matter how much you trust him