Bedroom configurations


New member
This may not be the ideal space for these questions but being it has to do with sleep I’m going to try you ladies!

I have 5 children N(f10), G(f9), L(m6), M (m2), Q(5 months). N&G share a room. They have been sharing since N was 4 and G was 2.5. They have been on a similar schedule being so close in age. I love hearing them talk to each other at night, about their day, their friends etc. it’s very sweet. L & M have their own rooms. Q is still in our primary bedroom. We have a 5 bedroom house. 4/5 bedrooms are upstairs. All the big kids plus the primary. The room I have designated for Q is downstairs. He has yet to use it, being he is sleeping in our room still. He is starting to STTN and I can tell he is waking up being with us, plus he’s getting too big for his bassinet. It’s time to move out!

Im nervous to move him, to have him downstairs all alone all night. During the day it’s actually great, because he will be close by and he & M will be on separate floors for naps. But Im anxious about night time. Husband is suggesting moving M into L’s room and give Q M’s room so we are all upstairs. (Ultimately I’d like Q & M to share, but not until they are 4 & 2 ish like my daughters.) … it’s a good idea in theory, but I have my doubts. First of all L wakes up to use the bathroom during the night every so often, I don’t want that to wake M. Also, maybe this is me being too sensitive, but I feel sad for my 2 year old! He’s a GREAT sleeper, always has been, he asks to go to bed at night and take his naps. He’s very happy in his room and knows it’s his. Then all of a sudden screaming baby comes in, steals all his solo mom time and now his room?! He doesn’t seem resentful about the baby at all but this is just what I am imagining. He is still my baby too!! 😭😭😭

What would you do? Help me please.
@sakranomoko White noise machine in your room and use a crib tent until you can move baby in with one of their siblings? Ideally you’d move baby in with the next youngest, once the toddler knows not to put anything in baby’s crib.
@katrina2017 The girls have a huge huge closet (double the size of mine!) upstairs, and the downstairs closet is puny. Definitely not enough for 2 preteens. So, no I would say that unfortunately wouldn’t work. Sigh!
@sakranomoko Would it be possible to let them keep their closet space, but just move their beds for the time being? Certainly not ideal, but might work for the temporary year and a half you need?

Alternatively, because the baby is and I presume will still be in a crib until 2ish when you're comfortable starting the room sharing, would a baby monitor be enough to ease you? Personally, I'd probably do both a sound monitor to keep on at night, plus a video monitor to look in with when feeling anxious about it, or considering what any crying might be about (whether it needs a check in or not). Also, if you're concerned about any temperature fluctuations between the upstairs and downstairs, and baby not being able to voice issues with sleep temperature, I highly recommend the Eco Bee Thermostat. It has (or you can get for it) a secondary sensor that you can put in baby's room to see the temperature. Personally, we have our sensor set to be the only temperature guage during our sleep setting, so the house heats to the temperature of the nursery, not our main space. This gives me peace of mind knowing the temperature is safe, I can check it and control it with my phone if I need to, and the rest of the house stays cooler for the adults and our older child who can grab blankets if we need to.

Hope that helps with some ideas!