Bed/nap train 22 month old


New member
I used cry it out for my ticket when he was about 7 months, then we switched to a toddler bed and he’s been getting rocked to sleep.

Here’s the problem- he’s been waking up super early at 6am (he used to wake up at 8:30-9) and he’s been napping for only 20 minutes. (I’ve tried 11, 12, 1 for nap time). He ends up needing to be held or rocked to sleep multiple times during naptime.

His bedtime used to be 7:30 but sometimes he doesn’t go down until almost 9. And he needs to be rocked for that as well.

I need tips on how to get him to fall asleep on his own since i have a 6month old as well so I can’t be nap trapped anymore😩

Thank y’all so much