Babyzen Yoyo with a newborn bassinet as the only stroller?


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Hi all. We live in a walk-up apartment on the 2nd floor with very limited storage and won’t be moving for at least a year. There’s no common storage on the first floor, so my plan is to keep the stroller in the car trunk. After extensive research and trying out major full-size stroller brands (Uppababy, Nuna, Bugaboo, Stokke), I found them all too big and heavy, especially if I end up having a c-section and can’t lift heavy things for a while. The Yoyo with a bassinet seems to work, but most people use it as an additional travel stroller and still have a full-size one as the main stroller. Are there any downsides to my plan?
@johnnow Sounds like a good plan to me. I live in a condo in the city and got the Joolz Aer+ as my primary stroller. Folds up small in about two seconds using one hand. No need for those big, bulky strollers for many. Babyzen Yoyo looks similar to ours and I see many city dwellers using that one. Oh, and we used the newborn bassinet, too. My son is now 9 months, so he sits in the standard seat.
@dcarrera I did and liked it overall, but I don’t like how a car seat looks on it (under canopy), and later when we get to travel, Nuna won’t fit into overhead bins like Yoyo
@johnnow We skipped the infant car seat so the yoyo has been our first and only stroller. It’s awesome we love it, baby just turned 5 months and we are going to try the seated configuration soon. My only con with the stroller is that I cannot get the one hand closing to work for me lol. All the videos I watched ppl closed it easily with one hand and that is a struggle for me! But if I had to choose again, I’d still choose it. It’s super light and well made
Also get the newborn pack not the bassinet attachment. Because the newborn pack folds up with the stroller while the bassinet has to be detached if you want to fold
@johnnow If putting the yo-yo in an overhead bin is a main selling point, it’s good to note that many airlines or specific airports have policies where no strollers are allowed on the plane. We’ve had airline staff remove our stroller from the overhead bin (where it fit fine) and make us gate check. After having that happen a couple times we just gate check now and have never had a problem.

One other thing to consider, will you be folding up and putting the yo-yo into the car by yourself while holding a baby? I personally haven’t figured out how to fold the yo-yo one handed. I guess you could lay the baby in the trunk while you fold up the stroller? That would work until they start crawling. Anyway, I really struggled with needing both hands with the Cruz and looooved the Minu because I could fold it up, lift it and everything no problem while I held the baby in my other arm. Upgraded to the butterfly, which is slightly larger than the yo-yo but has a much nicer fold.
@helping Not the main, but one of them, lol. I guess only the Yoyo and the Bugaboo Butterfly can fit into an overhead bin, and I thought it was a nice feature to have, and I liked the Butterfly more but it won’t work with a carseat the same way the Yoyo does. I don’t think I’ve seen the Minu in person, will try to find in a local store, thanks
@johnnow The Yoyo is a freaking tank while also being incredibly light and portable. You can literally use the shoulder strap and it’s lighter than my mom’s mega purse. We put MILES on that thing while living in the middle of a city in Southeast Asia. Streets were rough, we didn’t have a car, and it got folded and unfolded idk how many times in addition to all the miles. Easily 8-10 miles a day, sometimes more. Kiddo eventually decided he was done w a stroller around 18 months. Now at 3, we actually started using it again for amusement park trips. Stroller doesn’t disappoint! 10/10 would recommend.
@johnnow That’s what I did!

I honestly don’t see why anyone would get a full size stroller after only using the yo-yo. (Unless they needed a double). We planned to start with the travel one then get a full size later and saw absolutely no reason to. I think the perfect combo is having a good travel stroller and a jogging stroller when baby is older for more uneven terrain (if you like hikes, jogs or runs).

We also do not have a garage and I keep the Yoyo in our trunk, but beyond that, the newborn pack was phenomenal for walks to nap baby, diaper changes on the go (no need to use those gross germ filled diaper changing tables), and the newborn pack still folded up for travel or to put the car seat on top with attachments. I also loved that the handle could be folded down so it fit better in cafe’s and restaurants.

Now that babe is almost a year, we still love it and it’s perfect to wheel him up to the table at restaurants and avoid high chairs that he can crawl out of.

I love that I can push and turn it easily with one hand which I didn’t realize would be such a big deal, but imagine holding a coffee, your phone, or trying to open a door and push the stroller though… it makes a huge difference.

For travel, the newborn pack folded up with the stroller (bassinet does not) and I 100% recommend that over the bassinet.