Baby won’t sleep in his cot


New member
Feel like I’m slightly screaming into the void here but my 10 week old baby won’t sleep in his cot at night and I’m starting to go stir crazy. He does fairly decent chunks of sleep overnight (two of about 3/4 hours each) but only if cosleeping. When he was younger this was easier (I mean I always found it anxiety inducing but we did all actually get some sleep) but now he’s older he’s so f*cking annoying - snorting, farting, flailing his arms and legs around in his sleep sack - and it’s meaning my partner and I are getting no sleep. We have had some small success in the daytime so now most days he will do a 30 minute nap in his next to me cot but he always wakes up at the 30 minute mark on the dot which presumably is because he can’t link his sleep cycles when he’s sleeping independently. We’ve had no success overnight. Everything online seems to just assume that all babies sleep in their cots and just says thinks like ‘you may find they now sleep for longer when put down’. What about those of us who don’t have a baby who can be put down?! Looking for advice/guidance/reassurance from anyone who is or was in a similar position. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? If so how do we get there? At this rate I fear we’ll be cosleeping until he starts school and I miss my duvet!

P.S. we are fully aware of SIDS risks and follow the safesleeping guidelines for cosleeping so we aren’t looking for advice or comments on that front.
@trendingtimmy Hey mate,
Don’t know if this helps but we are in exactly the same boat with our 9 week old. I’m too terrified to co sleep so we’re taking it in turns with shift work (4 hours each of holding the baby, my Ortner 8-12 and me 12-6am) which isn’t good but it’s at least something!
I’m trying my hardest to know that this won’t be forever, but fuck am I lying if I say it isn’t the hardest thing in the world
@trendingtimmy this sounds a lot like my baby around that age. I genuinely think I was going crazy trying to figure out how to get her to sleep in her bassinet. She would constantly wake herself up with her own movements and even transferring her into the bassinet was awful. It would take me multiple times and was exhausting. At that time she was wearing the “Love to Dream Swaddle Up” and it just wasn’t cutting it. I ended up testing out a bunch of others and ultimately landed on the “Sleepea 5-Second Swaddle”. Night and day difference with her sleep. That thing saved me tbh 😂 I was able to transfer her with basically no effort and she would sleep in large stretches or completely through the night. I recommend it to everyone. She’s almost 6 months now and no longer in it but her sleep has been better off since then. It might not help your baby but it might be worth it to try!
@trendingtimmy The internet is the worst about baby sleep! This is absolutely normal. I would try checking out @heysleepybaby on Instagram and her Facebook group Hey Sleepy Parents for some tips on getting better rest while cosleeping. Solidarity!
@trendingtimmy My daughter has refused to sleep in her cot from 3 days old. If I didn't co-sleep I would never get any sleep. She has only started using her pram in the last few days while awake.
@harrison19 We’re exactly the same - it’s the only way to get any sleep. Also same re the cot. I get about 10 good minutes before he starts screaming and I have to take him out and then try and hold him and push the pram one handed! So annoying. I hope things get easier for us DJ!
@trendingtimmy It will get better. If you want him to sleep in the cot. I would suggest to keep putting him in until he gets upset and then pick him up. Rinse and repeat. I had to rock my oldest for an hour every night before I could put her down. Due to circumstances at the time I couldn't work on getting her sleep problems until she was 18 months but it took a few weeks of changing her bed time routine slightly each day to get her to settle down without my help. I think I am just enjoying having my youngest this close to me now because I know I won't have any more children she sleeps through the night some nights and on bad night she wakes for a feed around 4.30 am and then goes back down.
@gavenv Do you think he’s too old if we introduce him to it at 10 weeks old? We’ve never swaddled him so it would be a new experience. Tempted though if two of you have suggested it!