Baby hormones (4 1/2 month old F).. any advice out there?


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Hey there! I’ve posted quite a few on here. Hopefully this isn’t a bother since I’m a FTM and dealing with these things that haven’t been heard of.. (or have, but I never knew about these things) and hopefully it’ll bring some insight for those who are also curious or going through it or have been through it before.

In the very beginning when my baby was born (10/2020) we’ve experienced Uric acid crystals (a.k.a. “Brick Dust”) in her urine the first few days. That passed and all of a sudden, we noticed blood.. she had the “false menses”. We had gone to the pediatrician and they said its normal and can happen, also mentioned that baby girls could also develop a few lumps around the breast area on their chest. It’s based on my (Mothers) hormones that had passed down to her while in the womb. The menses passed as well after a couple days and we haven’t seen it since.

Now, today was her 4 month well check and the pediatrician was checking her vaginal area. She noticed that my baby has developed a bit of labia adhesion.. where her labia has stuck together. The pediatrician said not to worry as it is quite common in girls and happens from trapped moisture and that diapers don’t do it justice, as long as she’s able to pee okay and to keep an eye out for any indication of my baby in discomfort and the possibility of having trouble urinating or if it trickles instead of a steady stream (no signs of that, luckily). I’ve even asked if it was from using wipes during diaper changes, she said no. She said that it’ll soon pass as well over time. But if we do become concerned and see no improvement, she’ll prescribe a medicated ointment to treat the condition. Apparently, its caused by my (Mothers) hormones passing and is no longer in her system.. also to note, my baby isn’t a complainer when it comes to changing her diaper either and she hasn’t given any indication of discomfort. So here we are.. all of this kind of throws us off on “knowing what to expect on taking care of a baby”.

Not sure if anyone has had this happen to their babies, but I’d love to hear your experiences or share anything that’ll help us as new parents to a baby with adjusted hormones. TIA!
@dadto2 I know! Its an experience that we’re going through.. well more for our baby, but she’s never shown any indication of irritation or discomfort.. so we never knew. And now its added onto on our list of “worries”. 😪