Baby girl name help!!

My husband and I recently found out we are having a girl and despite having a million girl names on my list for years, I've found it quite difficult to decide on a name when it comes down to a real life baby! I don't think I can truly decide until I see her, but would love to go to the hospital with 2 solid options for first and middle name.

We want a unique name, I do like surnames as first names and traditionally boy names for girls but I'm not against pretty traditionally used for girl names either. We love to travel so something global inspired could be nice (even for the middle name). I hate describing it this way, but we are really into more of the "laid back cool girl" names.

Our top names right now are:

1) Townes (I know this one isn't for everyone but we absolutely love it and its probably our top name right now, just really struggling with a middle name)

2)Veda (pronounced Vada but I like the spelling with the E. Is that weird?)

3) Vienna

4) Lennon

5) Rhodes

6) Capri- not on our list anymore as we had friends who recently named their baby this, but this was my top name for years (and we traveled there on our honeymoon). Just adding it in so you get an idea of the type of names we like.

I'm struggling with middle names for any of these options and would be open to other first name options too that are a similar vibe to the 5 above.

Some family names we could consider to tie in with either first or middle names are Olive (love this!), Audrey, Marcella, Palmer, Vivienne, May (or other rhyming names- Ray, Kay, Fay etc.)

Thank you!
@ronadiscipleofchrist Veda has cool girl vibes I think, I prefer it with the e too. I’d go with one neutral and one feminine name, like Veda Palmer or Townes Marcella.

I personally don’t love Lennon because I don’t like names that are too strongly associated with one person (in this case John Lennon).