Baby Carrier for Big Hips


New member
Hi all! I am so thankful to have found this community and eager to get input on prepping for my first baby. I’m currently 20 weeks, bmi of 39 and have gained 3 pounds this pregnancy. My partner and I hope to tote this little bean with us everywhere we safely can after birth (of course allowing some delays for adjusting and baby health). He is rather slim and I have always had some big ol child bearing hips and a higher weight. I’m 5’9” and he’s 6’, so we are pretty close in height.

Is there a baby carrier you recommend for me, or one adaptable enough for us to both safely use? I am hoping to find a safe option that allows for front facing or chest facing carrying on your torso. If it can grow/adapt as baby grows, that would be a plus. My family is mostly slim or have been car seat/stroller toting folks, so I haven’t been able to get good insight from them.

@sean91 Moby wrap! Or similar. Since it's just a long piece of fabric it's pretty much infinitely adjustable. I'm 5'3" 245lbs and my husband is 6'2" 200lbs and we both wear it comfortably. I used it for chest facing carrying when my son was tiny (and now with my newborn daughter), and it also worked well when my son got bigger and preferred facing out.
@sean91 I had a BMI of 39 when I bought mine and tested it in store. I got the 6 in 1 Lillebaby carrier and it fit me with room to spare!

I haven't used it but it fit me well and was comfy :)
@sean91 I love the solly wrap for the newborn phase, and the Lillebaby for when they’re a little bigger. Both are very plus size friendly. I find a lot of the trendier soft structured carriers aren’t as comfortable on my bigger body, but Lillebaby is so comfortable once you figure out how to get it on correctly. Join the Facebook group for whatever carrier you get so you can get tips on how to wear it appropriately!
@kersh Great tip! I’ll definitely check out Facebook. I had a carrier on my registry and then it dawned on me that nothing made for mainstream “one size” fits me well, so I’m glad you shared some advice 💚