Baby Brezza Water Warmer?


New member
Has anyone seen or used this? It looks cool. Basically like a Keurig to warm water for formula and I’m interested. Unless someone has seen something that’s similar? Or is it not worth it? I feel like the price is decent.

baby brezza water warmer
@miche_nz I just made bottles as I went. I room share and in the room is a water cooler that dispenses boiling hot and ice cold water so we just used half and half and that was perfect. Scooped as we went. The nice thing about having it be a regular water cooler is it's used for our regular water needs. So, product for us that also benefits baby and will last long after baby is done with formula. We've had it since before she was born.

A lot of people will tell you to not get your baby used to warm formula because it makes it harder for them to take a cold bottle. To each their own there, I think that's baby dependent.

What I did really like was the Dr Brown's formula pitcher. Make the formula once a day and it keeps for 24h. Nice and smooth, no clumps. Really cheap, too, and makes up to 40oz so definitely enough for the youngest baby.
@miche_nz My boss had one with his child, swore by it, and it is on our registry. I won’t be able to breastfeed due to a medical issue, so it will be nice to have something that makes bottles so quickly.
@miche_nz I have one! Been using it for four months now and it works great. It’s so nice to have instant warm water that dispenses so easily, especially when you have a hungry screaming baby in the background lol. Definitely a top 5 purchase of mine.
@miche_nz We have one as well. I am just concerned about bacterial proliferation with the water being kept warm all the time. We try and change it often but still... Do we have a food expert here who could reassure me?