B.C. | A.D. | L.B.F. | L.A.F


New member
You're born into this world with limited sight. Living in a chaotic swirl of black and white, searching for some stability. You've left the comforts of a warm nest, thrust into cold and open space. You search. You search. And then, She appears to you from above. Like a vision. Truly stunning. She reminds you of warmth. She sparks joy and interest. She is unlike anything you've ever seen, and now, your life can truly begin.

There was L.B.F. and now you journey through L.A.F.

Life Before Fan and Life After Fan.

Thank you, Goddess of the Ceiling.
@mbrandan Same. There was a moment around two months when I stopped and was like “Wow, I never thought I’d feel jealous of a light fixture. Parenthood is super weird.”
@historyismypassion Mine was delighted when I invested in a pop socket. For one, it helps him tell them apart, and he loves to be helpful and bring you your phone if you forget it, so now I no longer have to pretend to be pleased at the gift of my partner’s phone before surreptitiously swapping. But more importantly, if I hand him the phone, he will happily push down and pull up the pop socket for like five mins straight. It’s the best.
@abbiewhite Hahah, I love it so much. It took us forever to figure out what he was smiling and giggling at. Our theory is the doorknobs look like eyeballs, as his fave ones are double doors with black knobs. 😂😂