At a total loss with my 4.5m LO - could it be her formula?


New member
Hi all - thanks in advance for any advice or guidance. I’m a FTM who is really struggling at the moment trying to figure out what is going on with our LO.

Some info:
- She has been formula fed since she was 2 weeks old. She’s on Enfamil A+ and has been the whole time. She showed no issues with it before and the amount and frequency of spit up seemed normal.
- For the last 5 to 6 weeks she has been incredibly fussy. She still has a full appetite and happily takes all her food, but afterwards she is so so much more screaming and screechy than she has ever been. She absolutely refuses tummy time, stopped rolling, and doesn’t really show much interest in toys beyond 2-3 minutes. She likes to be carried around the house and go for walks in the carrier.
- She is also spitting up more than she ever has since she was born. We keep her upright when feeding and burp her throughout/try to keep her upright for 30 minutes after. She spit up/vomitted probably close to 40mL this morning or more.
- Paediatrician prescribed omeprazole and she’s been on it for about it a week. So far I notice no difference at all, if anything she is spitting up even more volume than before.
- She has had no blood in her stool but did spit up green bile a few weeks ago.
- She takes around 900mL in a 24 hr period - spread out between 5 to 7 bottles. She’s on the Dr Browns anti colic bottles and the size 2 nipples. It takes her about 20 minutes to finish 180mL (6oz).
- She has no issues with sleep, really mainly just a daytime/post feeding thing.

We have an appointment with our family doctor on Wednesday but I’m just so down about it and I’m worried she’s going to experience delays from going for so long without getting in good tummy time or playing with toys. I’d also love to go a full day without having to wear ear plugs.

Thanks ♥️
@roseofthevalley Our 4 month old was vomiting multiple times daily and very fussy. We started famotodine and that has helped but the game changer was switching to Enfamil AR. She has bad reflux and needed the thicker formula for it to stay down. We did see a pediatric GI who guided us through this, so you may want to request a referral.

My heart is with you, this is an emotionally draining process.