Asking for wash advice - Can't fill my washing machine with cloth diapers


New member
I'm just starting out and only have a small stash, each load is only about 6 pockets w/ inserts, 3 covers, and 7-9 prefolds. We're in disposables overnight. This is what I accumulate over 2-3 days before "laundry day. " I think this is my washer. I can barely fill what looks like 1/4 or 1/3 of the drum. How the heck am I supposed to fill it enough to get proper agitation during wash?

When I was first starting out, I ran it on delicates w/ the baby clothes even though that's wrong. But now I'm trying to do things right and run it on heavy duty cycle for the main wash. I only want to wash my baby clothes on delicates and cold, or at most a normal cycle w/ cold, since I'm afraid of things shrinking or wearing more quickly? How do you all do it? Should I just run baby clothes on heavy duty as well? TIA
@heavyspec I run an initial cold rinse cycle, then a hot heavy wash with bibs, burp clothes, kitchen towels, baby wash clothes and (if needed) my husband's underwear. I used to do baby clothes, but I felt they were wearing down too fast. Now I only throw them in if they're covered in food or some bodily fluid.
@heavyspec I bought two queen size bed sheets from the thrift store and cut them up so that they are the same size as the prefolds. I don't need to wash my kitchen towels as often as diapers and I was noticing wear on my baby's clothes (we have a "capsule" wardrobe for him, so he wears everything weekly.
@heavyspec I add hand towels, husband's under shirts, small adult clothes I don't kind washing on hot. I was adding baby clothes but I've definitely shrunk loads of onesies on hot so stopped.
@heavyspec I include baby clothes in my wash and don’t really notice any extra wear. They grow out of them so quickly anyway. Maybe if there are some fragile or sentimental baby clothes you plan to keep don’t include those but put in the rest?
@irocchrist Thanks! I don't know why I'm being so careful about following the instructions on the baby clothes.... hmm, after some thought, I guess it's not just the clothes I'm worried about. It's the other things like bibs with the waterproof lining inside, crib sheets that I don't want shrinking since they're hard to put on already, etc., that need to be washed cold. ETA: I'm really regretting buying a washer with such a large drum now. It's been a pain trying to fill the washer for other loads as well, not just my diapers.