Are you kidding me?


New member
Quickly an introduction because this is kinda my first post. I'm a single 35 year old mom who lives in Florida w/ my just turned 3 year old (today!) little linebacker. Ex is states away after a drug/responsibility problem but does have occasional contact with my boy and he's building trust up so hopefully (for my kid) it will be more one day. I used to comment here under a different user name but my ex "stumbled" upon it so here I am! I posted something over Father's Day and got a little nervous so I deleted it but then figured fuck it. If he wants so bad to read up on me, go ahead. Also, I'm horrible at writing so bear with me here.

So today is my Son's (Z) birthday and he wants to go the park. I say great and pack up the car and head out. While we are there he heads over to where a group of kids are at and starts playing next to/with them. Then this girl who seems to be about 4 walks up and says "I don't like you!" and pushes him down. I glance at the Moms who seem to be responsible and they are caught up so I head over a little closer. Z seems a little sad but gets up
And decides to climb the spiderweb thingy.

A little bit later the kids are close to him again so he goes back to try and play. The little girl does it again. I start heading over but watch as Z takes it in stride and I hear this older little boy tell her to stop (still nothing from the Moms). They all migrate up to one of the platforms and Z starts wandering over again. I'm watching closely and this little girl looks at him and starts RUNNING at him hands out screaming No. My boy puts his arm out to defend/deflect and she runs right into it and falls back and starts wailing. Now my Son is big for his age (42 inches and 39 lbs - when I said linebacker I meant it), but he honestly was not trying to hurt her, he just didn't want to get pushed again.

I run up and ask her if she's ok, she is and she runs off to her Mom. I walk over to Z and he starts crying. Ok awesome. I sit him down and ask what's wrong and he is upset because he made her cry and wants to apologize. I tell him that he didn't mean to but if he wants to say sorry that's never a bad thing so we walk over. The girl is with her Mom and I bring Z up and he says "I'm sorry." Then the girl won't talk so the Mom says "It's ok but you really shouldn't push, that's not nice." Ummm what? Thank god another kid pipes in and says "Girl pushed him twice first and was mean!" And then this lady says "Well she's just a girl and boys need to know they can never hit a girl."

Wait, what? Excuse me? It's ok for your daughter to bully my child because he is a boy. My kid doesn't even understand the difference yet! He knows some kids are called girls and some are called boys but he has no fucking clue why! He has never even asked me or commented on the difference yet! And nobody deserve to get pushed! I looked down at my Son and his head was hanging and he couldn't even look up at me! I knelt down and had him look at me and in front of both of them told him "Nobody ever deserves to be hurt and everybody, boys and girls, need to learn to control themselves. I'm very proud of you for being so brave and apologizing." I grabbed his hand and we came home to bake his birthday cake together.

Fuck you lady for making my kid feel shitty. Fuck you for doing it on his birthday. And fuck you for fucking being a shitty person.
@mlnkira1 Man, fuck that lady. She's not doing her daughter any favors.

That said, I think what you said to your son was perfect. In a situation like that, I know I would be at a total loss for words and that was just the right thing to say. I'm going to remember it.
@mlnkira1 I would've struggled hard to not say very loudly "it's ok to defend yourself when anyone - no matter their gender - pushes you repeatedly. I'm so proud of you for defending yourself, for wanting to apologize, and for wanting to play nicely. Some kids push when mom isn't looking because they get away with it, but that's not what we do, is it? We play nice no matter if mom is looking or not. I'm proud of you for following the rules. Happy Birthday to the best kid here."

And then flipped her off while leaving.

but I only come up with this shit when I'm sitting at my keyboard. I'm generally a codfish in public scenarios like this.