Are these tests good?


New member
I have the clinicalguard pregnancy strips from amazon (®-Pregnancy-Test-Strips-Individually-Sealed/dp/B007VT2OQG/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-rsf-lq2a1_0?cv_ct_cx=clinicalguard+hcg+pregnancy+test+strips&dchild=1&keywords=clinicalguard+hcg+pregnancy+test+strips&pd_rd_i=B007VT2OQG&pd_rd_r=5a8a27f2-ca6d-4868-b24f-44d3d42db0f4&pd_rd_w=McMEx&pd_rd_wg=NI2Wj&pf_rd_p=0d4eabb3-16b1-456b-8b85-bd2dddc6fc20&pf_rd_r=4K78VJ8X5G666DHBNMR4&psc=1&qid=1624239359&sprefix=clinicalguard&sr=1-1-08156654-5cdd-4d6a-b40f-f682c1511b75 )

but I've been reading the reviews and a there's a lot of people saying the tests gave false negatives, aren't sensitive, etc. Now I'm starting to doubt that they work. Does anyone have experience with these tests? I'm terrified that i could be pregnant and not know it because of false negatives, even though I've had multiple withdrawal bleeds, and always use birth control and condoms... im just that paranoid heh
@tinyrev Yes they are good. If women are not tracking ovulation accurately then they often test too soon and think they got a false negative, but in reality they didn’t wait long enough after sex to take a pregnancy test. Those test will show positive if you are pregnant about 2 weeks after sex and definitely by 3 weeks after sex.
@tinyrev You have no proof that what they are saying is true or that they took the two tests at the same time. Feel free to look over at r/TFABLinePorn and search for clinicalguard to see how they look.
@luke22_42 You're right, Im being overly paranoid. I'll check that sub out
Edit: ok those ladies are scaring me. They're saying that tests with no visible second line are positive?? Like, I don't see the second line but are they seeing something I dont see?? Could my negatives have actually been positives?
@luke22_42 Man thank you for being so patient with me. I tested 3 weeks after sex and only got a faint nearly-invisible grey line that i could only see when putting it up to the light, so I guess thats a negative.