Any tips on how to sleep train a 1 year old who has bed shared since 6 months and breastfed every night of his life?


New member
I would be more than happy to keep bed sharing and breastfeeding at night until he decides he’s ready to stop, except I just found out I’m pregnant. I want to wean him and sleep train him before the new baby comes and I was hoping someone with a similar experience could share how they did it. Thanks in advance!
@janiesdad See a previous post I made about my 11mo. Maybe it's useful. I didn't want him crying alone in his room. I'm still breastfeeding once per night because I don't mind and it's easier for everyone so far.
@janiesdad I got pregnant when my son was 11 months and noticed my milk supply dropped and he wasn't as interested anymore anyway! We switched to bottles for a month or so then he decided he didn't want them either.
@janiesdad There’s a really great chapter in the book precious little sleep about this. You have to do it bit by bit, increasing the distance between you and the baby so that he can’t smell you. I won’t do the advice justice so definitely check it out. She also has a podcast if that’s easier on you getting chores done and stuff
@katrina2017 I was just thinking this. I’m probably going to have to start with no more bed sharing, and then stop night nursing, and then move his crib to the next room, and THEN sleep train lol. I think sticking him in a room alone would be too much all at once for him.
@janiesdad I would honestly just move them to their own bed, their own room and sleep train (all in one go). Then deal with night weaning and completely weaning.
@janiesdad Because she will scream her lungs out to stop feeding to sleep and she will do it again when you sleep train. Screaming isn't doing to be 2x if you do together. You'll likely going to have just a hard week if you do it together. If you do it separate you will have a hard week or more weaning and then another hard week sleep training. Hard on your baby too.