another post about low betas


New member
Basically just looking for reassurance or advice. I tested positive on a FRER ~9:30pm on Tuesday night, probably 10DPO. By complete chance, I had a doctor's appointment scheduled the next morning at 8:30am and when I told my PCP the news, he kindly offered a blood draw to test my betas (and thyroid, since I have subclinical hypothyroidism) around 8:50am on 11DPO. I excitedly accepted but now kind of wish I hadn't because of my stressful results.

Beta hCG: 17miU/mL

TSH: 3.326mcU/mL (according to the blurb that appeared under this test, the range for pregnant people in the first trimester is 0.02-2.81 mcU/mL)

T4 FREE: 0.92ng/dL (according to the blurb that appeared under this test, the range for pregnant people in the first trimester is 0.88-1.46 ng/dL)

I spilled the beans (about my positive test and hCG level) to a friend who happens to be a MFM doctor because I was so stressed and he said "hCG is very tricky this early. That is an expected, normal, healthy finding. The first few weeks can be tough, with many unknowns. Numbers go up and go down for many reasons." This brought me some comfort, but I've just spent the whole afternoon in this subreddit and ooof it has made me so scared and anxious. On the one hand, 17miU/mL on 11DPO isn't unheard of on and I'm reminding myself that I wouldn't even know my blood beta level had I not happened to have an appointment scheduled for yesterday morning, so I am trying to tell myself not to freak out. But on the other, I'm not seeing crazy line progression and my blood level seems so much lower than many, many other people's, and to boot, it seems like I have cause to be quite worried about my TSH levels too. Now, instead of feeling overjoyed about this potential pregnancy, I am guarding my heart and trying to prepare myself for the worst thing that could happen here. I emailed my doctor around 12:45pm to ask if there is cause for concern and I should come in for a re-check but I still haven't heard back and it is nearly 5pm, EOD here. Just seeking any thoughts or guidance or even just positive vibes. Thank you for reading
@womanofgod123 Very normal beta for 11dpo! The hope is that its over 50 by 15dpo and as long as yours is rising normal that shouldnt be an issue- congrats!
@womanofgod123 That seems really normal to me. 11DPO is so early and hcg starts from 0. A lot of women don’t even have a positive test yet at 11DPO! If it helps ease your anxiety mine was 25 around 15DPO give or take a day and I’m currently 7 weeks and have had 2 good ultrasounds with heartbeats so far. I completely understand your worry, I think we’ve all been there unfortunately but as long as your hcg rises as it should you should be fine!