Amazon Package Deals?


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Is there a drawback to getting something like this package:

I'm expecting my first baby in a couple of weeks and my husband and I are trying to figure out the best way to cloth diaper. At the moment, we feel like prefolds, covers, and snappis are the way to go for us. Is there any reason why this package deal on Amazon wouldn't be a good choice? I've looked at used options on FB Marketplace and Poshmark, and I feel like this is still a better deal. I am confused about the prefolds fitting 7-30 lbs. Aren't they usually infant-sized and then 15 lbs +?

Thank you for helping this confused mama figure things out!
@truthvsmedia The main reason I'd avoid this kind of package now is that it is for one-size diapers and it's likely it won't fit your baby for another 3-5 months. And in that time, you might have solidified some of your diapering preferences and these diapers might not fit that preference!

I did buy a similar type of pack when I was pregnant, and I really liked the covers that it came with (though I didn't use them until baby was 6-7 months old and they fit worth a damn) but it came with a whole bunch of prefolds of a size and absorbancy that didn't really work for how I liked to use prefolds. So I ended up getting a bunch of GMD prefolds and those were excellent, and my 4-dozen off-brand prefolds are now repurposed as kitchen rags.
@truthvsmedia The downside would be if you don't like them that's a lot of diapers. I was suprised to find that what I thought I would like the best I didn't like at all.
@truthvsmedia I had an idea of what I thought would work best before our baby was born. I bought a few of several different things and then ordered more of what we did actually like for our routine. We started with some alvababy pocket diapers, preemie and newborn size prefolds, workhorses from green mountain diapers, and newborn size covers.

My preemie 36w baby is 4 months and 10.8 pounds and we are still using only our newborn stash which should continue to fit to 15 pounds. We did switch up from newborn size workhorses to size small a few weeks ago so I could send the nb size to someone else.

If you go with pockets, avoid microfiber inserts. They absorb quickly but don’t hold much and are prone to leaking.
We use the pockets during the day and the workhorses overnight. we also use the prefolds during the days, we just use a pad fold for them.
@truthvsmedia I loved flats & covers for the newborn stage & still use flats folded up in pockets. I say go for it. I would get a few extra covers though, there's a learning curve (at least for me) finding which folds contained ebf poop best so extra covers came in handy.
@truthvsmedia You stated that you want prefolds but your link is for birdseye flats. I think you might have attached the wrong link? My guess is the absorbancy you might be leaning toward is called: Osocozy better fit premium prefold.

Personally I would suggest against buying all into one brand/ one material/ one system from the start.

You won't know what works for you until you try it out in real life. Every absorbancy option comes with different laundering routines and time commitments. Each brand uses different materials in their absorbancy whether it be natural or synthetic and those materials will effect your system as well.

If that one material & system doesn't end up working well for you then you have to start all over. Spending even more $ to explore other options.

My suggestion would be to buy 2 of each absorbancy type or material and try them out and see what works best for your family and then go all in with a larger purchase once you know for sure.

*Another additional factor to consider is if you will have other caregivers diapering your child and what system they will be able to use. Grandparents, babysitters etc.. also individual daycares have different cloth diapering rules and many won't allow two step systems with covers but only pre stuffed pockets.

After an initial testing phase I would say buying all into a preferred brand/system with a discounted bundle could be a great option at that point!
@christianmusthaves Yes, before the other commenter's reply, I thought prefolds and flats were the same thing, so that was my mistake! Thank you. This is helpful advice. I've started the Jillian's Drawer trial program to test out a few different styles, but I think I got overeager seeing all the options and wanted to dive right in, but I agree, that I should probably test the waters out first before committing to a bunch of one kind of diaper.
@truthvsmedia I remember being totally overwhelmed by all of the different cloth diaper options when starting out, I'm glad I could help.

I've never tried flats personally but we used prefolds when my LO was a newborn and loved them! I didn't even find a Snappi necessary, we just laid them folded in the cover and it was good enough before he was very mobile. Around 4-5 months old we fully switched to pockets because he was starting to move around more and they're easier to get on.
@lionofjudah77 I like flats, they take a touch more prep than prefolds but you can fold some ahead of time. They wash nicely and dry fast. Right now with our newborn we have flats, prefolds, covers, and 2 all in ones that are nice but often just use those for when we're out or when I'm super tired in the middle of the night. Definitely suggest a diverse intro stash
@truthvsmedia Totally up to you, but I would suggest look into flats a bit more, I personally think they are supreme. They are adaptable for most any size baby, while prefolds have to be swapped out as baby sizes up. If I had to do it all over, I would do covers and flats exclusively.

Good luck!