Am I?


New member
Hey everyone,
I am currently 6 days late on my period, I haven’t been late or had irregular periods besides when I was on b/c. I’ve been off b/c since February and have been having unprotected sex with my fiancé in hopes of getting pregnant. I’ve taken a few different tests and they have come back negative. But I am having symptoms like mild cramping, nausea, bloating, fatigue, headaches, acid reflux, and irritability. I am not sure where to go from here? Should I see a doctor or wait it out?
Any advice helps!
@mystery9 The negatives mean your symptoms and late period aren’t from pregnancy, you’re late because you ovulated late. You can still test positive so you’ll want to test 1-2 times a week until you get a period or a positive test. There’s no need to see a doctor unless you go 60+ days without a period.
@mystery9 Idk if this will help you, but thought I’d share my experience.
I just got a positive test at the doctor after having 4 negatives at home, period was expected 3 weeks ago (also never irregular before).
Blood test is confirmed positive but hormones are relatively low, I’m glad I saw my doctor so that we can keep an eye on it.

6 days really isn’t much and probably not enough for your doctor to be concerned, maybe wait another week or 2 and keep testing in the meantime.