
New member
Am I the A.H.
If when trying to co-parent I'm always willing to compromise for the sake of the children. But the other only wants to compromise when it looks good on their behalf to others/when it's convenient for them.
I just don't reply sometimes when they do that or do I let their actions show to the children & let them see it for theirselves?

I'm open minded & just not trying to do anything wrong to hurt them ! Let me know if I'm the AHOLE in this.
@jwtinker I don't expect favors. I don't keep score.

I agree to swaps when it's child centered and works for me.

The reason why he says yes or no if I asked is not for me to debate or rationalize.
@jwtinker Not replying is not helpful.

I used to always cover my ex when they asked to be nice, it was not reciprocated. In time I have learned to make sure the kids are covered but it will never be fair.

I do respond kindly even when I won’t cover them, this way if we go to court I am seem as cooperative.