"Alright, today's a busy day, but I'm gonna buckle down and be super productive!"

@paulwhoever Ah, I see your child also attends my kid's daycare.

Apparently a light dusting of snow is enough to shut down the world. Between snow and sicknesses if my daughter has been there more than half the days this year I'd be surprised.
@paulwhoever You know what's wild? Yesterday I got home from work and was planning to play like 45minutes of video games to relax before wrangling the kids and doing dinner.

Got home as was like "ah yeah, the fence. I guess I should work on that." And built the fence instead. Rare moment when I was accidentally productive. I'm fairly good at being being productive when I plan for it, but once I'm committed to me time... 😬
@paulwhoever Same same.

The other day I get a call that my kid slammed her face on the monkey bars, chipped tooth, and then drop everything to head to the dentist to get it fixed.