After a week of effort, I think my baby registry is more or less complete. Opinions?


New member
[link removed because I added my address]

I know I am missing some things people include (such as a TON of burp cloths/prefolds, lots of onesies and other clothes, etc) but I'd rather buy that boring stuff myself and let family/friends buy more interesting, useful items I'd like to own but would never buy on my budget (eg those weird teething/food pacifier thingies, fancy changing pad)

Sooo other than that, am I doing good? Did I cover all my bases? Are the little comments/blurbs interesting, helpful, and most of all, enticing? I want people to view the registry and go "wow, I actually do want to buy them that ____, it seems like they'll really appreciate getting it as opposed to another f-cking teddy bear..." We are young (20 and 22) first time parents and need as much functional stuff as we can get -- does that message come across in the welcome message? Should we take off the "fun" items like the poster, teething necklace and onesie? I kind of feel like having those items detracts from the whole "we carefully selected everything on here" thing.

@andrewsmith I do not want to be a naysayer. I am telling you this as a first time mama who spent a ton of time putting together my registry.

Prepare yourself for the possibility that people who know and love you will not even acknowledge your registry and will, likely, buy you yet another totally adorable yet probably useless outfit in the 0-3 month range.
@redeemed14 I am prepared but I think it's unlikely on my side of the family. Boyfriend's maybe, even probably, but mine? Nope. They're about as practical as it's possible to be. My aunt is throwing the shower specifically "so we can all help you get ready".
@andrewsmith Since you asked for opinions and I haven't seen any yet I thought I would give you mine.

I love the little messages with the items. It gives it a nice personal touch. As for what is on it, from everything I'm reading it looks like you got it covered. As a ftm just starting to put together my registry I hope you don't mind if I borrow a few ideas off of yours?

By the way, I love your name choice!
@andrewsmith I think the blurbs are great and a cute way to personalize the list! I did a quick comparison of your registry to mine (the Lucie's list cheat sheet helped me A LOT). I know everyone's situation is different. These are all suggestions, not must haves.
  • Waterproof Boppy cover - to go under adorable covers from Etsy so pillow is fully protected
  • More swaddlers, blankets (People like buying that stuff if the prints are fun. If you register for anything Aden and Anais, a cute blurb would be to say that this is the same brand that Prince William and Kate use for baby George)
  • Bowls for feeding (lots of good options out there like BPA free or suction cup bottoms)
  • Faucet cover for bath tub
  • Combo bath toy/ water thermometer
  • Cute hooded towels / wash cloths (if you don’t want to use what you already have)
  • Your choice laundry detergent for all those dirty cloth diapers
  • Mamaroo infant insert (though I've read reviews from people who say it works fine without it)
  • I would recommended a double-sided mattress instead instead with a softer toddler side
  • Bottle brushes and dishwasher basket for bottle parts if you have a dishwasher
  • Rectal thermometer – from what I have researched, most pediatricians want to know what the rectal reading is when you call. Temporal is not reliable enough.
  • Crib sheets in prints you like
  • Pacifiers and teethers that you've researched and like (if you want to use them)
  • Mobile for over crib - everybody loves buying those
  • People will buy the clothes they want, but it doesn’t hurt to put some kimono tops on your registry. They are easier than onesies because they don’t go over baby’s head and easier on the umbilical cord stump while it heals.
  • A sound machine like the sleep sheep if you don’t want to use a smart phone or the mamaroo sounds
@cat7 Thanks for the great list! I added a thermometer, I'm finding some bowls/plates, I added a line to my mattress blurb about having a memory foam pad to put on top when we convert to a toddler bed, I added a mobile frame in case someone wants to buy that (her Daddy is going to be making an origami mobile for her), and I'll be adding kimono tops, mattress protector, sheets, and a super-soft towel.

I also used Lucie's List and find it funny how many people have recommended I check it out. I did! I swear! LOL
@chargedbyfaith I think I'd rather have the book as I learn better when reading information vs hearing it. Plus I'm sure I can find the relevant excerpt on YouTube if I really need to see it for myself?

No baby monitor! We'll be living in tiny spaces for the most part, and I figure if the situation really calls for one we can just Skype ourselves from laptop to phone.

Thank you!
@andrewsmith Fair enough. Just know that the Happiest Baby book is really targeted only at calming your baby, and mostly applies to those first three months or so. And you're going to want to have read it BEFORE your baby comes. So if there's any question on being able to make the time to read the book before your due date, know that the video is over and you're more or less set for those first few weeks in 38 minutes runtime.

If a reading deadline doesn't phase you and you're an avid reader as it sounds like you may be, you'll want to supplement your reading material with more general baby info that reaches beyond the calming techniques from Happiest Baby. I would recommend adding Heading Home with your Newborn which covers almost every base of initial kiddo care. Or possibly Your Baby's First Year, which is a little more cumbersome to read but is equally invaluable.
@andrewsmith I'm 3 months in as a ftm, and struggled a little with my registry as well. Yours looks good! You can go ahead and put some "fun" stuff on as well like clothes, but know that people usually like to pick out their own clothes and some will not hesitate to do so. I got quite a few clothes from people but because i had a preemie i ended up having to buy some newborn sized clothes (btw Zutano makes such adorbs stuff). What I actually needed more of was blankets/swaddlers. Aden and Anais make good ones!

One thing I will say is that you mentioned being in a small space and some of your items you won't necessarily need the first months; but I understand if it's a matter of not being able to get them yourself. Stuff like the highchair, playpen, solid food accessories, etc.

The grass drying mat is so awesome. We got it as a surprise gift and it has been perfect for bottles. Also just a warning on bottles - you might end up having to buy a different brand if your little one doesn't take to it. I had gotten several packs of Born Free only to have to switch to Dr. Brown's b/c of gas problems. Now we have transitioned to full on exclusively breast fed, yay, so no more washing pump parts and bottles constantly, yay! But when we could only do bottles the bottle warmer was needed from day one. Born Free makes a pretty good one.

I ended up. Hating. My. Boppy. It just didn't work for us. I use throwpillows with towels and it's way better, but there is also a different brand of nursing pillow that is flatter and wraps around easier. I know some love their boppies though! Also on the breastfeeding front - lansinoh has a bf kit that is helpful to new mothers with pads and gel packs.

You mentioned not having a car so no car seat. Are you planning to birth at home or walk/train back from hospital? I know in my state they do not legally let you leave the hospital in a car unless you have a seat. Just a heads up!

Ok I've rambled long enough. Feel free to pm me if you like. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!
One thing I will say is that you mentioned being in a small space and some of your items you won't necessarily need the first months; but I understand if it's a matter of not being able to get them yourself. Stuff like the highchair, playpen, solid food accessories, etc.

We will be living in a small space but we can use my parents' house for storing those things. And yes, it's an issue of not being able to easily afford them ourselves.

The grass drying mat is so awesome. We got it as a surprise gift and it has been perfect for bottles. Also just a warning on bottles - you might end up having to buy a different brand if your little one doesn't take to it. I had gotten several packs of Born Free only to have to switch to Dr. Brown's b/c of gas problems. Now we have transitioned to full on exclusively breast fed, yay, so no more washing pump parts and bottles constantly, yay! But when we could only do bottles the bottle warmer was needed from day one. Born Free makes a pretty good one.

The grass mat looks pretty awesome. Do you have/use any of the add-ons? And yeah I know babes can be very picky about bottles -- that's why I've only put 2 on the registry rather than going all-out. That and I hope to exclusively breast feed as early and as long as possible. Congrats on that btw!

I ended up. Hating. My. Boppy. It just didn't work for us. I use throwpillows with towels and it's way better, but there is also a different brand of nursing pillow that is flatter and wraps around easier. I know some love their boppies though! Also on the breastfeeding front - lansinoh has a bf kit that is helpful to new mothers with pads and gel packs.

Well if I hate mine for nursing it can be a tummy time support, and I'll make my own new pillow in a shape I think will work. Making pillows is super easy. I am planning to get a breast feeding kit but I'm going to buy it for myself -- the nursing cover is the most breast-involved thing I'm comfortable asking my uptight relatives and my boyfriend's conservative/religious ones for.

You mentioned not having a car so no car seat. Are you planning to birth at home or walk/train back from hospital? I know in my state they do not legally let you leave the hospital in a car unless you have a seat. Just a heads up!

We're staying with my parents for a few months (May-September) because of unfortunate timing with the end of our lease and a total loss of income thanks to the birth (me) and knee surgery (BF). They'll be driving us home from the hospital, and buying their own car seat. Well, I'm going to pick it out, but they'll pay for it ;)

Thanks so much for the in-depth response!
@andrewsmith On the drying rack: we have and use the flower, for bottle nipples, but I think the stick would be better. We never needed formula luckily, but now that we are moved on to sippy cups, tiny silverware, and snack holders, I wish we had the bigger Lawn rather than the grass.

I also want to mention that doing back carries is not safe with a stretchy wrap like the boba - you'll need either a structured carrier or a woven wrap. Both would be something I would consider adding to your registry, because they're pricy but so, so nice to have - especially without a car.

I would also maybe consider noting products that are available in store (our target just started carrying the nose frieda, for instance). Even though you've done all of the leg work, some people are just not comfortable buying online.
@katrina2017 I will switch to rack to the Lawn -- I wasn't even aware there were different sizes until you pointed it out.

Just did a bunch of searches and I'm disappointed to learn the Boba can't be used for back carries :( I guess I will do some research and add a woven wrap to the registry if it would be more cost-effective than making my own. Thanks for pointing that out!

My shower will be virtual as my family is spread out along the whole east coast, so I think buying online will be easier for everyone VS buying in store and then going through the hassle of paying to ship. Good thought though.

Thanks again!
@andrewsmith Great list. I'm an alvababy user and my 8lb newborn was too small for one-sizes until about 6 weeks and too small for prefolds until 4. I would recommend getting a few newborn sizes unless you're cool with using disposables until baby fits.

The mamaroo is amazing. My baby slept in it until recently and now she naps there all the time.

I know you're in a small space but I'll use my baby monitor even if she's across the room just to look at her. Otherwise I'm up every 10 minutes peeking. Just a thought.

Lastly, I use a mesh bath you put in the tub instead of one you fill. Less to mess with and I can sit in the tub with her if I want which is really relaxing.

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