Advice on freezer meals, formula feeding, and C section post partum


New member
Hi everyone! I'm currently a plus size FTM who is at 24w1d and I'm starting to plan things for when I get to 30w-40w to prep for post partum.

As of right now, my SO plans to take at least a month off, my sister will be visiting for about 2 weeks, and my SOs mom [who I adore] plans to visit quite a bit because she's only 2 hours away. My own mom and grandma will also be visiting but they live 4 hours away so a little less often.

So I'll have support luckily! My question here is because while I see a lot of advice post partum supplies and even meals, I don't really see things that fit the answer to my questions.

Basically I weigh 246 and stand 5'3 at the moment with an apron belly/B belly and will be having c section. I know the post partum care will be about keeping incision dry but what are some things should I have in my post partum kit?

For freezer meals, how many should I make? I'm sure we'll get take out sometimes but my mom, my sister, and my mom in law are not cooks and hate it. I don't expect my grandma to cook at her age. I'm the designated cook in my family and I enjoy doing it. But how much should I prep if on average we'll be feeding maybe 4-5 mouths at a time.

Finally, I will be exclusively formula feeding because of medication, what are some recommendations to help dry up the milk faster?

Tldr: What should I have on hand for apron/B belly postpartum c section recovery? How many freezer meals should I prep? And what helps dry up milk fast?

Thank you in advance for any help!
@tay7tay7 For c section recovery - you will get puppy pads, diapers, pads, and ice packs in the hospital. Take all of those home! Have lots of extra pads of different sizes and some adult diapers at home. What I didn’t realize is that you’ll bleed the same amount of time as if you had a vaginal, which for me was 7 weeks. Having a bidet was amazing to help with cleaning the bleeding especially in the beginning. If you don’t have one of those, look at still getting the Frida mom peri bottle to help with clean up. I used the hospital ice packs for about a week on my incision. I went home with all of my pain meds and didn’t need anything extra. You might also want to get stool softeners.
I also have a b belly. After I got out of the shower each night I laid in bed and basically lifted my belly up so my incision could fully dry before I put pjs on, after patting it gently with a towel. You’ll also want to make sure you lift up your b belly when showering so the body wash can run down and clean it. You aren’t supposed to actually clean the incision site for a bit so I put soap on my belly and let it run down.
@tay7tay7 High rise or low rise undies, just ones that won’t rub against the incision! I also liked a wedge pillow to help sleep. I am dramatic af so next time I will get one of those bed rails with a handle (commonly used for elderly people) to help me get in and out of bed easier.

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