Advice for insomnia and/or growing pains?


New member
Himself is 4.5 years old and sleeps like a rock... until he doesn't. If he's been asleep three or four hours and wakes up, it takes forever for him to fall back asleep. Last night Himself went to sleep at 8, woke up at 11 because he was thirsty, then wasn't asleep until after one in the morning. He doesn't wake up every night, maybe once or twice twice a week, and his sleep habits are pretty regular aside from these episodes (~8pm-~7am, no naps).

In related news, has anyone found a good solution for growing pains? That's one factor waking him up (besides bad dreams or bedwetting). His diet isn't anything to brag about, since he eats far more pb&j and canned soup than I'd like to admit, but he does get plenty of fruits, some veggies, lots of nuts, carbs, and dairy, if any of that is related.

The growing pains seem to be kicking in lately leading to more wakeups and I need sleep to deal with Herself (who has her own things going on).

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