9.5 months - starting the transition to 2 naps


New member
My son is a terrible napper. It’s usually 30 minutes. We’re lucky to get an hour here and there.

Normally we wakes up between 530 and 630 to start the day. Yesterday he woke up at 730 - this hasn’t happened in god knows how long. I did the math in my head and 3 naps wouldn’t work - even at 30 minutes each.

So we decided it might be time to at least test a 2 nap schedule to see what it’s like.

Near the end of the first window, we offered him food and then it was nap time. He usually conks out in his crib on his own, but I knew he’d wake up after 30 minutes. So I laid him down next to me in the bed. Landed is a 70 minute nap. Not bad.

Got thought the next window great. Bas a snack time and a meal time closer to the second nap. Took him upstairs and put him next to me in the bed. Landed a 90 minute nap but only because I was next to him to assist him back to sleep quickly.

When he woke up it was appx 330, meaning a 7pm bedtime. He normally goes down around 8, but we have put him down earlier before and knew 7 wouldn’t be an issue.

We ended up taking a quick trip to IKEA and that was probably a bad idea because he was super stimulated and he didn’t fall asleep til 730. I was now worried he went to sleep overtired.

He did wake up like 4 or 5 times but overall he slept ok through the night. Woke up around 530 and I was able to get him back down til 630.

Having somewhat of a similar day today.

Not sure log this venture will stick due to his terrible napping skills when he sleeps by himself, but one can hope.

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